Now, none of this information that I have just given you has anything to do with the story I'm about to tell, but I just thought it would be nice for you to know!
So here is what I was going to write about all along. This past Sunday I decided to get up early, well..extra early since we all get up around 7am thanks to little asian baby....... but I decided to get up EXTRA early (6am) so's that I could take a shower, finish assembling Valentine's day cookies for the church people, and still have enough time to get hair and makeup done and be out of the house by NO LATER than 8am. When I awoke from the already precious little sleep I get anyways (thanks again to little asian baby.....) she was still asleep. Now usually, little asian baby sleeps from about 4am to 7am without stirring. How do I know this you ask? Because I'm her mom is the answer.
As all moms know, the day that you decided to change up any part of the daily routine, even if you just think silently in your mind that this might be something you will do, the little stinkers sense it and they change up their routine too so as to ruin the change you wanted to make.
Make sense?
So what I mean is, reasonable doubt may get you a free pass in a court of law, but if you have any sort of doubt in your mind that your baby who has been sleeping from 4am-7am for the past 5 months will now all of a sudden wake up at 6am because you decided to be productive and get an early start to the day.....all will be ruined.
As was the case this past Sunday. As I slowly slipped out of bed to take my shower, I had a feeling in my gut that as soon as I turned the water on and stepped in the shower little asian baby would wake up. I of course took my shower in the second bathroom which is on the other side of the house, but didn't matter. I think little asian baby "sensed" that I was no longer lying next to her. So as I quickly lathered, rinsed and did not repeat, I kept hearing what I thought were "phantom" cries from little asian baby. (that's a real thing by the way, ask any mother. You hear your baby crying all the time, in the shower, while you're sleeping, while your baby is at grandma's and you're out alone......) Then I heard a "thump" which I hoped was just the upstairs neighbor dropping his morning cereal box... (in actuality it was asian husband flinging the door of his bedroom open to run to little asian baby's aid, because momma still hasn't learned that she no longer can control anything...) I quickly rinsed the last of the soap suds off of my body and hoped that when I opened the bathroom door the only sounds in the house would be of asian husband's snoring, but ALAS!!! Cries from little asian baby could be heard from miles away! So what did I do?
I dried myself off in a nano second, wrapped my wet hair turban style, and ran across the living room (sans clothing) to assess the damage. There was asian husband, blurry eyed and still a little dazed trying to comfort little asian baby who was rolling around the bed crying hysterically. I rushed to baby's side and quickly gave her the boob. It calmed her down instantly, but the damage had already been done. There was no going back, to sleep that is. Little asian baby was up, an hour earlier than normal, and I could feel in my bones that this was NOT a good start to the day.
Little asian baby must have felt the same way, because after she finished nursing, she looked straight up at me and said...
"uh oh."
Yup. My sentiments exactly.
Then she said it again, "Uh OH!" I think to really drive the point home.
Needless to say, she was cranky the rest of the day and asian husband told me that while I was gone baby had a MAJOR meltdown and cried hysterically and wasn't consolable.
Lesson learned little asian baby. Lesson learned.
-little asian girl out!