Friday, April 12, 2013

Our Perfect Little Princess!

This past weekend as I was going through little asian baby's clothes, clearing out winter clothes, clothes that have gotten too small and what not. I came upon her "special occasion" dresses, and instead of putting them away never to be seen again, I decided I could put her in one just for a regular Saturday. Who says you can't dress like a fairy princess on the weekends right? Anyways, here are some pictures of our perfect little princess!

Enjoying a fruit snack~

"Hey..what's that on TV?"
-little asian girl

Friday, April 5, 2013


I have a confession to make.

Something that I'm not TOTALLY embarrassed to admit, but I'm sure some eyebrows will be raised.

It's something I just don't have the strength or will power to quit.



Hello, my name is little asian girl and I..... I still breastfeed my toddler!




don't judge.

Ok Ok, so yes little asian baby is now 20 months old. Yes Yes she has all her teeth and is completely capable of eating solid food. And YES she is also capable of knowing and understanding that mama's joo joo's are for getting milk and not just there for show. However, as I have mentioned above, I just don't have the physical strength or will power to wean her. For those of you who've never nursed before, weaning a baby from breastfeeding is not as simple as just turning off the valves and locking up for the night. Babies who have to start weaning (especially if they are not little infants anymore) become UNBELIEVABLY clingy, they're sleep schedules get disturbed, they get cranky, irritable, and I'm sure that they start to harbor some deep emotional resentment toward their mothers. So I'm just not going to do it, until little asian baby does it herself. And although a friend of mine did recently tell me that she thinks babies who "self wean" is just a myth.....I'm still holding out hope.

Also, as I have mentioned before a GAZILLION times, little asian baby is a SUPREMELY picky eater, and lately won't touch anything unless it's french fries or pizza. Yeah, yeah, people have already told me to starve her so that she'll eat, but the first/last time I did that she ate nothing but 3 strawberries the whole day and by the end of the day was a COMPLETE monster because she was hungry. (I wasn't home all day because of work, so it wasn't like I stood by watching her starve, and asian husband tried to feed her CONSTANTLY through out the entire time I was gone but little asian baby refused any and all no need to alert CPS.) Anyway, when I came home that day from work, she LUNGED at me and nearly ripped my shirt off and COMPLETELY emptied both sides and then said "AHHH" after she was done.

it was cute.

So anyway, I decided I won't be able to wean her for a while..but whatever. I've accepted it. You should too. Now I'm sure you're wondering what the title of this post has to do with all this nonsense I blabbed on about, but I'll tell you now.

Yesterday when little asian baby woke up from her nap, I asked her if she wanted to be nursed.

"Do you want some joo joo?" said I.

"AWESHOME!" said little asian baby (she meant "awesome" for those perplexed individuals)

and it was. aweshome.

-little asian girl

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What a difference a year makes!

A few months ago I posted a post about the cousin's christmas picture and how from year to year things change so rapidly. So now that little asian baby's second Easter holiday has passed, it reminded me again that little asian baby is growing and changing so so quickly. Last year when she was still just 8 months old Easter was like this:

All we could do really was to just dress her up in a cute dress and take her to church. I mean she couldn't walk or talk and was still taking 3 naps a day! (ahh..the good ol days)

Now THIS Easter little asian baby got to go to not ONE, but TWO Easter egg hunts, and at each hunt I was rapidly "redistributing" the eggs from her basket back onto the grass so that she could keep on "hunting" for eggs. Also, since little asian baby's language skills are more advanced and rapidly developing, she recognized  what was going on and ran around saying "Egg!" "Egg!" "Egg!" Here are some pictures from both events. (and yes, the second egg hunt was in front of grandma's house..but she didn't mind. And I definitely didn't miss the crowds, screaming children, overly "enthusiastic" parents, or big kids almost trampling my little baby to death to get to the "EGG!")

(and mommy's looming shadow)
little asian baby guarding her "EGG!"
(Grandma and Auntie S in the background)
Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!

-little asian girl

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"AARRRGGGHH......this is really H-E-A-VV-Y..."
"AARRGGGHH....this tree is S-T-U-C-K...."
"This is better!"
-little asian girl