Is what asian husband said as we laughed and reminisced about the first time we gave little asian baby a bath. Just to clarify, he was exaggerating. We didn't
actually almost drown her, but we didn't do a "stellar" job either. We had gotten a "baby" bathtub from my brother-in-law who already has two children of his own and asian husband wanted to use it to bathe little asian baby. I was a little leery about it, because it was kind of a big tub and I didn't see how we could safely hold onto the baby while bathing her at the same time because the baby tub had to be placed in a real tub and we couldn't get into the tub with the baby tub in it too. (not confusing at all right?) anyway. the point is. We just laid her in the tub and asian husband gave her a sponge bath. Needless to say...
she cried.
the whole time.
turns out, newborns don't like being cold, naked, wet and unswaddled.
or being dropped into a large, cold, plastic tub and being wiped with a wet sponge.
Luckily we had my wonderful mother there to enlighten us on how to CORRECTLY bathe little asian baby. Thank goodness.
Here is the "correct" way to give a newborn a bath.
"...??...?....." |
"Good thing you're here grandma. Those other two don't know a thing!" |
"Please don't leave me" |
I once read a quote by an actor who was worried about being a first time dad. He asked his mother for advice, and she said...
"God made babies strong enough to survive parents."
-little asian girl signing off to go and make other parental mistakes. Sorry little asian baby. Love you!
awww wish she was still tiny and grandma still left after a while little baby