Little asian baby started out grouchy yesterday morning and after a few mini tantrums about having to change her clothes and having her face wiped, we made it out of the house to run a couple errands.
We went to IKEA (again) to purchase some items, and I have to say here that IKEA is a good 45 minutes away from my house, so it is not an easy or quick errand to run by any means.
At IKEA little asian baby got her little finger slightly squished by a sliding drawer and slightly bonked her head on one of the 147 tables on display. (I say "slightly" because there was no bruising, bleeding or crying for more than literally 3 seconds on both occasions.) But it was still not so great and there is probably surveillance footage of me carrying crying little asian baby.
I also got the ONLY side ways wheeling shopping cart of the 1124 carts they have there, and if you've ever had a side ways wheeling shopping cart while carrying a 20-something pound toddler you KNOW it's HELLA ANNOYING!
After we made it out of IKEA with a few tears and a few magnet boards, the car seat straps decided they would get stuck and refused to recoil. Therefore I couldn't strap little asian baby safely into the car seat. After tugging, plugging, yanking, huffing, puffing, and cursing I called asian husband. He almost had to make the hour drive from work, in the middle of the day, to come fix it for me. (I say "almost" because, well obviously, I figured how to fix it.) Did I also mention that it was 84 degrees in the middle of January? I think I might have sunburn, scoliosis AND strained muscles from being hunched over the car seat in the blistering sun yanking the DAMNED straps!
And on the way home I got lost AGAIN (I SWEAR EVERY TIME I GO TO IKEA I GET LOST COMING HOME, EVEN WITH THE NAVI!) so it added 10 minutes to my already 45 min drive home. PLUS little asian baby decided, that instead of napping like she was suppose to, she would rather scream, just rolled off the couch.
She screamed, shrieked, cried, fussed, ripped her sun protection shade... oh, and made herself gag a few times by putting her hands in her mouth. yay.
Since she wasn't sleeping, I had to give her the tablet to watch cartoons on, which I don't LOVE to do while driving because I feel like I'm allowing her brain to rot and her eyes to become like those hypnotizing swirly circles. But what's a mom to do at this point in the day right?
I decided since she wasn't sleeping I would make one last stop at the bookstore and of course since the stroller was in the garage, I had to hold her in the front carrier. AND OF COURSE SHE FELL ASLEEP WHILE I WAS IN THE STORE!!!!!!!!! It also took me almost an HOUR to finish in the store because every time I asked the employee a question he was like
"I'm not sure actually......"
"let me ask some you want me to check that?"
after I finally got my receipt he said "Have a blessed day!" You can be sure that I wasn't wishing him a "blessed" anything. And of course after I ATTEMPTED and FAILED to transfer sleeping asian baby from the carrier to the car seat she woke up after a not so restful AND short nap and was cranky all the way home.
Yesterday, was also the first day of my first postpartum "cycle" in over two years.
best. day. ever.
-little asian girl.