I thought I would start my first post of 2014 with wise words from my dear beloved grandmother.
So I haven't written about my lovely, witty, and no filter grandma in a long while. She's still the same fiery spirit she always has been and she still CONSTANTLY asks me about little asian baby #2 (not happening g-ma!) and is APPALLED....APPALLED I TELL YOU that I'm still breastfeeding!
But I love her dearly and since my grandfather passed recently, I do worry about her more than I used too.
She does still have a lot of years left in her and she recently gave me a jewel of wisdom that reminded me once again how wonderful (and helpful) she really is to me!
I was chatting with her on the phone the other day and telling her that asian husband caught a cold and before I could say anything else she said:
"It's because he goes out wearing nothing! Tell him to put some more clothes on!"
Now asian husband is not a stripper nor does he have a fabric allergy of any kind. He just always is "hot" and usually just wears a t-shirt and jeans unless it's 32 degrees outside....then he'll throw a dress shirt over the t-shirt. woo-hoo.
So I said to my grandma:
" Grandma! I always tell him to wear more clothes, but he doesn't listen!"
And that's when she dropped this little gem.
"Nothing bad ever happened to a man who listened to his wife! Tell him that!"
-little asian girl
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The 5 sweet words that every mother of a toddler wants to hear.
Forget about Christmas and birthdays, the day your 2 yr old tells you BEFORE (that's important: BEFORE) they pee/poop (yes I said poop!) in their pants, on the floor, on thecouch..... is the BEST day of a mother's life!!
I've been trying to potty train little asian baby since she turned 2 four months ago. I tried every method from lollipops to time-outs with no success. I've done countless hours of research, reading, and basically asked every person who already has a potty trained child about tips and tricks.
BUUUUTTTTT.....what I've come to realize is this:
Now, I know the above phrase is not true about EVERY parenting experience, but it is true about the potty training experience.
As I mentioned I've been trying to potty train little asian baby for about 4 months now. Sure, I haven't always been "on top" of the whole situation, but who & what mother of a crazy toddler has the mental capacity to take their child to the "potty" every hour just in case they have to go? Plus, I'm not a mind reader, how was I suppose to know that after sitting for 5 minutes on the potty with it "not working" (that's what asian baby says when she doesn't have to go. "It's not working mom") you would then proceed to potty on the floor the minute you hit the living room? So basically I became a quitter and gave up. However, I realized that little asian baby probably shouldn't wear diapers for all of her childhood.. PLUS another mother at my church whose son is not yet 2 yrs. already potty trained him, so to save face & not fall behind in the "mom race" I gave it another go.
This time, however, I was better prepared. Plus I had a secret weapon.
More specially though, Dora panties.
One of the moms I consulted told me that when I'm ready to potty train little asian baby, to buy her cute panties she could wear. She told me to pick panties with a character or picture that little asian baby would like and make a big deal like "LOOOOOOK!!! YOU HAVE BIG GIRL PANTIES NOW!!! ISN'T IT SOO CUTE!!!! DON'T YOU WANT TO WEAR THEM LIKE MOM!!! AND NO MORE DIAPER!!!! YOU'RE A BIG GIRL NOW RIGHT????!!!!!!" (and yes, yes, imagine me saying all this with an overly enthusiastic, drawling, kind of annoying, child enticing tone) so I did that. I asked little asian baby what kind of panties she would like to wear and she said "Dora panties mom". So off to the big red bullet store we went and bought "dora panties"
Now I don't know if it was the dora panties or the fact that really little asian baby was just ready. BUT IT WORKED!!!! SUCCESS!!! FANFARE AND TICKER TAPE PARADE PLEASE!!! So now at home anyways, because I'm not yet ready to venture out into the world with a diaper-less toddler I can PROUDLY say that little asian baby is potty trained. Although we did have 3 small accidents (pee only! not poop...well one poop.....) little asian baby has only pottied in the potty for about 2 weeks now.
So I'm glad and thankful that we've begun to make some progress on the potty training front. The road was definitely frustrating, messy and I did give up a few times, but what I am constantly reminded of with every adventurous parenting experience is that all kids will eventually "get there" when they're ready.
Oh, and you need A LOT of Clorox Greenworks cleaner, Lysol & paper towels handy too.
-little asian girl
Forget about Christmas and birthdays, the day your 2 yr old tells you BEFORE (that's important: BEFORE) they pee/poop (yes I said poop!) in their pants, on the floor, on the
I've been trying to potty train little asian baby since she turned 2 four months ago. I tried every method from lollipops to time-outs with no success. I've done countless hours of research, reading, and basically asked every person who already has a potty trained child about tips and tricks.
BUUUUTTTTT.....what I've come to realize is this:
Now, I know the above phrase is not true about EVERY parenting experience, but it is true about the potty training experience.
As I mentioned I've been trying to potty train little asian baby for about 4 months now. Sure, I haven't always been "on top" of the whole situation, but who & what mother of a crazy toddler has the mental capacity to take their child to the "potty" every hour just in case they have to go? Plus, I'm not a mind reader, how was I suppose to know that after sitting for 5 minutes on the potty with it "not working" (that's what asian baby says when she doesn't have to go. "It's not working mom") you would then proceed to potty on the floor the minute you hit the living room? So basically I became a quitter and gave up. However, I realized that little asian baby probably shouldn't wear diapers for all of her childhood.. PLUS another mother at my church whose son is not yet 2 yrs. already potty trained him, so to save face & not fall behind in the "mom race" I gave it another go.
This time, however, I was better prepared. Plus I had a secret weapon.
More specially though, Dora panties.
One of the moms I consulted told me that when I'm ready to potty train little asian baby, to buy her cute panties she could wear. She told me to pick panties with a character or picture that little asian baby would like and make a big deal like "LOOOOOOK!!! YOU HAVE BIG GIRL PANTIES NOW!!! ISN'T IT SOO CUTE!!!! DON'T YOU WANT TO WEAR THEM LIKE MOM!!! AND NO MORE DIAPER!!!! YOU'RE A BIG GIRL NOW RIGHT????!!!!!!" (and yes, yes, imagine me saying all this with an overly enthusiastic, drawling, kind of annoying, child enticing tone) so I did that. I asked little asian baby what kind of panties she would like to wear and she said "Dora panties mom". So off to the big red bullet store we went and bought "dora panties"
Now I don't know if it was the dora panties or the fact that really little asian baby was just ready. BUT IT WORKED!!!! SUCCESS!!! FANFARE AND TICKER TAPE PARADE PLEASE!!! So now at home anyways, because I'm not yet ready to venture out into the world with a diaper-less toddler I can PROUDLY say that little asian baby is potty trained. Although we did have 3 small accidents (pee only! not poop...well one poop.....) little asian baby has only pottied in the potty for about 2 weeks now.
So I'm glad and thankful that we've begun to make some progress on the potty training front. The road was definitely frustrating, messy and I did give up a few times, but what I am constantly reminded of with every adventurous parenting experience is that all kids will eventually "get there" when they're ready.
Oh, and you need A LOT of Clorox Greenworks cleaner, Lysol & paper towels handy too.
-little asian girl
Friday, December 27, 2013
" AAhhh....that's just 1st world problems."
I have a dear, dear friend of mine who is also a "little asian girl". Every once in a while you meet someone that you just "get" you know what I mean? My friend and I have a deep and dear understanding of who the other person is and I feel like other than my mother & asian husband, this friend is the only other person who really "gets" me.
And recently she helped me gain A LOT of perspective on my life and how really truly fortunate I am. It helped me get through a grumpy patch in the road and it's times like that when I truly value and appreciate her friendship.
Maybe because I live in Southern California or maybe because I live in a city with running water and waste management, but sometimes I start to feel like I'm not "keeping up with the Jones" as well as I should. I look around at my friends in their upstairs/downstairs houses and watch them buy gazillion dollar purses and think..."WHY ISN'T MY LIFE LIKE THAT???!!!"
Now. I want to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR here. I am NOT saying that asian husband isn't a good provider by any means at all. He definitely isn't sitting on the couch, drinking a 40 while waiting for his unemployment check to come... and it's not like I'm standing on the street corner while people drive by wondering what a little asian girl is doing there.....(anymore...)
PLUS we DO own our little abode and I am fortunate enough not to have to actually go to a job everyday, because asian husband goes for us............
but I wanted to complain anyway.
So I called my friend up and started complaining.
This is basically what I said:
This is what my friend said:
"Your life is not sad! You just have 1st world problems!"
This is what I said next:
Then she proceeded to explain. My friend is actually Cambodian. She grew up with two very hard working parents and still visits Cambodia, Thailand and other countries like that. She told me that when you visit countries like those, where plumbing is a luxury and markets are on dirt roads, fancy clothes, nice cars and houses with insulation are things that people over there can't even imagine let alone have as an everyday necessity. So she told me that complaining about "things" that I didn't have and not appreciating all that I do have is like complaining about "1st world" problems compared to how people live in 3rd world countries.
SOOOOO....I realized that I was being a spoiled, ungrateful little asian girl by complaining about everything that I didn't even need and she totally helped be turn my frown upside down! (as you can see I am also very proficient in rhyme)
Thanks friend!! Love you!
-little asian girl
And recently she helped me gain A LOT of perspective on my life and how really truly fortunate I am. It helped me get through a grumpy patch in the road and it's times like that when I truly value and appreciate her friendship.
Maybe because I live in Southern California or maybe because I live in a city with running water and waste management, but sometimes I start to feel like I'm not "keeping up with the Jones" as well as I should. I look around at my friends in their upstairs/downstairs houses and watch them buy gazillion dollar purses and think..."WHY ISN'T MY LIFE LIKE THAT???!!!"
Now. I want to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR here. I am NOT saying that asian husband isn't a good provider by any means at all. He definitely isn't sitting on the couch, drinking a 40 while waiting for his unemployment check to come... and it's not like I'm standing on the street corner while people drive by wondering what a little asian girl is doing there.....(anymore...)
PLUS we DO own our little abode and I am fortunate enough not to have to actually go to a job everyday, because asian husband goes for us............
but I wanted to complain anyway.
So I called my friend up and started complaining.
This is basically what I said:
This is what my friend said:
"Your life is not sad! You just have 1st world problems!"
This is what I said next:
Then she proceeded to explain. My friend is actually Cambodian. She grew up with two very hard working parents and still visits Cambodia, Thailand and other countries like that. She told me that when you visit countries like those, where plumbing is a luxury and markets are on dirt roads, fancy clothes, nice cars and houses with insulation are things that people over there can't even imagine let alone have as an everyday necessity. So she told me that complaining about "things" that I didn't have and not appreciating all that I do have is like complaining about "1st world" problems compared to how people live in 3rd world countries.
SOOOOO....I realized that I was being a spoiled, ungrateful little asian girl by complaining about everything that I didn't even need and she totally helped be turn my frown upside down! (as you can see I am also very proficient in rhyme)
Thanks friend!! Love you!
-little asian girl
Monday, December 23, 2013
If little asian baby becomes......
... a Michelin star chef one day I want it to be known and documented that her mother Little Asian Girl had the foresight and insight to recognize her talents at a young age! Let it also be known that because I am such an AWESOME mother, I cultivated and nurtured her talents starting from the tender age of 2!
see proof below.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Toddlers are so amazing. Watching them grow and develop everyday is like magic and they are utterly, undeniably, roll on the floor laughing HIL-A-RI-OUS!
Here is a conversation I had with little asian baby while baking pies together.
(because I'm lazy and don't want to keep typing little asian girl & little asian baby for the duration of the entire post, I will be referring to myself as "lag" and asian baby as "lab")
(maybe I should have thought about the shorthand abbreviations a little more before I started blogging....)
(maybe I should stop writing so many things in parenthesis...)
(maybe I should just start getting on with the post.)
(maybe I should stop starting every sentence with "maybe I should..")
lag: " Baby, remember you have to wait for mom to tell you what to do and listen to me ok?"
lab: " Listen to mom??"
lag: "yes. listen to mom. and listen to papa too"
lab: " and then you listen to me??"
lag: "....." " nooo....you listen to mom & papa"
lab: "and then listen to baby??"
lag: " nnnnoooooo...you listen to us. momma & papa. not us listen to you."
lab: "then papa listen to me?"
lag: "nnnoooooooo. you listen to papa too!"
lab: " and then papa listen to me?"
lag: "...*siGh*...no."
This went on for a bit until I realized that the conversation probably would go on forever and the pies would never get done. Plus, at least she dropped the idea of me having to listen to her and realized that asian husband probably would be easier to mind control. (I wonder where she got THAT idea...?)
I'll just teach her the "listen to your parents all the time because we're always right and know everything" lesson later.
After I eat all the pies.
-little asian girl
(This photo has nothing to do with the post. It's just cute.)
(there I go with the parenthesis again, but at least I didn't start with "maybe I should...")
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
" open..close. open..close. open.."
Little asian baby said as she was sitting in her chair at breakfast yesterday. The only problem was she was saying it while "opening" & "closing" her knees.
Call it karma (see this post here ) or just normal toddler behavior, but as we sat eating chocolate rice krispies little asian baby started opening and closing her knees and saying "open..close. open..close"
I couldn't decide whether it was humorous or concerning, but before I could make a definite decision about whether to laugh or look for near by convents little asian baby said...
"close forever?"
"YES! Close forever!" I responded.
"phew" that was a close one.
-little asian girl~
Call it karma (see this post here ) or just normal toddler behavior, but as we sat eating chocolate rice krispies little asian baby started opening and closing her knees and saying "open..close. open..close"
I couldn't decide whether it was humorous or concerning, but before I could make a definite decision about whether to laugh or look for near by convents little asian baby said...
"close forever?"
"YES! Close forever!" I responded.
"phew" that was a close one.
-little asian girl~
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
"I didn't know that....."
...the only two clothing styles for women these days is slut or Parisian bachelorette. (and I also didn't know that "bachelorette" isn't a real word according to my spell check!)
Usually when I go to the mall I am ALWAYS on the hunt for decent clothes to wear. Maybe because I'm a mother now or maybe because I'm OFFICIALLY over 30, but I think that the Kardashian's and Miley Cyrus should stop dictating the fashion trends. Don't you?
So I am forever looking for just nice, well made, work/hang out clothes that have decent coverage, aren't missing any pieces of fabric (since apparently "cut outs" are the trend now....) that won't disintegrate in the wash after 2 cycles and that doesn't make me look like I just came from my kid's PTA meeting where we discussed who would be baking the "brownies" for the next school bake sale. But as I was walking by store after store, as well as my go to department store I realized that all the clothes were made for women who should be strolling down a quaint cobblestone alley in France or drinking for free at "ladies night" in da club~! I mean some of the dresses were so tight and short that even the mannequin's were embarrassed and looking paler than usual from the oxygen deprivation. And who really wants to wear a burgundy dress with blue ducks printed all over it or a gray sweater with a giant mustache on the front...
Do I?
Do you?
Does anyone?
I wish I could trade places with little asian baby so that I can dress like this:
Usually when I go to the mall I am ALWAYS on the hunt for decent clothes to wear. Maybe because I'm a mother now or maybe because I'm OFFICIALLY over 30, but I think that the Kardashian's and Miley Cyrus should stop dictating the fashion trends. Don't you?
So I am forever looking for just nice, well made, work/hang out clothes that have decent coverage, aren't missing any pieces of fabric (since apparently "cut outs" are the trend now....) that won't disintegrate in the wash after 2 cycles and that doesn't make me look like I just came from my kid's PTA meeting where we discussed who would be baking the "brownies" for the next school bake sale. But as I was walking by store after store, as well as my go to department store I realized that all the clothes were made for women who should be strolling down a quaint cobblestone alley in France or drinking for free at "ladies night" in da club~! I mean some of the dresses were so tight and short that even the mannequin's were embarrassed and looking paler than usual from the oxygen deprivation. And who really wants to wear a burgundy dress with blue ducks printed all over it or a gray sweater with a giant mustache on the front...
Do I?
Do you?
Does anyone?
I wish I could trade places with little asian baby so that I can dress like this:
or this... (and no you're not having a seizure right now..it's just some new moving picture format asian husband discovered. NO need to call 9...1.1.11..1..11..1..1.1...)
or even just be like this:
and everyone would just think I was impossibly adorable and would take endless photos of me to post on their blogs!
So now I am proposing a new proposition where all human beings regardless of age, gender or actual maturity age level can just dress like toddlers wherever they go.
...wait...is that already happening? Is that why we have so many Miley's, Gaga's and Kanye's out in the world?
-little asian girl
Monday, December 16, 2013
so ok.
I thought I hadn't posted in like over a year. Every once in a while between 2 minute showers and potty training attempts, I would stop and think "Hey...I wonder what happened to my blog? I feel so bad that I haven't posted in like AGES. I think it's been at least a year......oh crap...I forgot to run the dryer."
..................but turns out it's only been 5 months.
I was feeling guilty and stuffing my face with cherry cupcakes for no reason! (well..not for NO reason, the cupcakes are DELICIOUS MAN!"
anyways, so since my last few posts in April about still nursing (YES I AM STILL NURSING MY NOW 2 YR OLD! DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON!) and how angelic she looks in that white dress, things are like the twilight zone in that everything is pretty much the same yet completely different.
Little asian baby turned 2 a few weeks ago, can speak in sentences, and has discovered that she can do things like drink from a cup and use a fork all by "herselpbf" (that's how she pronounces "herself") Not saying that she can do things "herselpbf" without a 12 man cleaning crew to sweep up after her, but at least she's exerting (some) (minor) (attempts) at independence.
ok so the black text above was my attempt to return to blogging....FOUR MONTHS AGO! as you can see I started to write, but probably just gave up in exhaustion because little asian baby crawled into my lap and wanted to nurse as i was typing..........oh wait...that's still what's happening NOW!!!!
Ok, back to black text, my aging, little asian girl eyes can't distinguish between pink and white well anymore.....
So like I mentioned above, life is like the twilight zone, in that things remain relatively the same but is completely different at the same time. Little asian baby is a full fledged human being now (not that she was some sort of alien monster hybrid or anything..............) And when I ask her questions like "Do you want chocolate muffin or apple pie for breakfast?" she can respond appropriately AND correctly by saying she wants "hashbrown instead." *siGh*
So it's gotten a lot easier and a lot harder at the same time.
I've learned that although toddlers become SIGNIFICANTLY more independent after turning 2 and things are MUCH MUCH easier because little asian baby can actually talk now. It's also more challenging and annoying BECAUSE they are more independent and can talk now.
Especially since little asian baby narrates her life 24/7 and says bratty things like "Be quai-wat mom" (that means "be quiet mom" fyi.) But I guess as a parent all those annoying, exhausting, makes you want to stab yourself with the straw of your child's sippy cup...moments are all worth it (I was actually going to write "forgotten" but who am I kidding, I don't forget those annoying, exhausting, wannaa stab yourself times times..do you?) anyways, all those bad times are trumped a million times over by the moments when little asian baby wants to "squish" my face while giving me vice grip like hugs and puts my bra on her head and laughs hysterically.
SO hopefully I will have a little bit more time to blog now since I can say stuff like "BABY! MAMMA IS WORKING NOW SO YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR ME TO HELP YOU MAKE FRUIT SALAD IN YOUR KITCHEN!" and asian baby actually understands and says "ok mamma boo boo princess maam".
yes...she actually says "mamma boo boo princess maam"
-little asian girl (FINALLY) back
....although it took me more than 4 months to write this ONE post.
I thought I hadn't posted in like over a year. Every once in a while between 2 minute showers and potty training attempts, I would stop and think "Hey...I wonder what happened to my blog? I feel so bad that I haven't posted in like AGES. I think it's been at least a year......oh crap...I forgot to run the dryer."
..................but turns out it's only been 5 months.
I was feeling guilty and stuffing my face with cherry cupcakes for no reason! (well..not for NO reason, the cupcakes are DELICIOUS MAN!"
anyways, so since my last few posts in April about still nursing (YES I AM STILL NURSING MY NOW 2 YR OLD! DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON!) and how angelic she looks in that white dress, things are like the twilight zone in that everything is pretty much the same yet completely different.
Little asian baby turned 2 a few weeks ago, can speak in sentences, and has discovered that she can do things like drink from a cup and use a fork all by "herselpbf" (that's how she pronounces "herself") Not saying that she can do things "herselpbf" without a 12 man cleaning crew to sweep up after her, but at least she's exerting (some) (minor) (attempts) at independence.
ok so the black text above was my attempt to return to blogging....FOUR MONTHS AGO! as you can see I started to write, but probably just gave up in exhaustion because little asian baby crawled into my lap and wanted to nurse as i was typing..........oh wait...that's still what's happening NOW!!!!
Ok, back to black text, my aging, little asian girl eyes can't distinguish between pink and white well anymore.....
So like I mentioned above, life is like the twilight zone, in that things remain relatively the same but is completely different at the same time. Little asian baby is a full fledged human being now (not that she was some sort of alien monster hybrid or anything..............) And when I ask her questions like "Do you want chocolate muffin or apple pie for breakfast?" she can respond appropriately AND correctly by saying she wants "hashbrown instead." *siGh*
So it's gotten a lot easier and a lot harder at the same time.
I've learned that although toddlers become SIGNIFICANTLY more independent after turning 2 and things are MUCH MUCH easier because little asian baby can actually talk now. It's also more challenging and annoying BECAUSE they are more independent and can talk now.
Especially since little asian baby narrates her life 24/7 and says bratty things like "Be quai-wat mom" (that means "be quiet mom" fyi.) But I guess as a parent all those annoying, exhausting, makes you want to stab yourself with the straw of your child's sippy cup...moments are all worth it (I was actually going to write "forgotten" but who am I kidding, I don't forget those annoying, exhausting, wannaa stab yourself times times..do you?) anyways, all those bad times are trumped a million times over by the moments when little asian baby wants to "squish" my face while giving me vice grip like hugs and puts my bra on her head and laughs hysterically.
SO hopefully I will have a little bit more time to blog now since I can say stuff like "BABY! MAMMA IS WORKING NOW SO YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR ME TO HELP YOU MAKE FRUIT SALAD IN YOUR KITCHEN!" and asian baby actually understands and says "ok mamma boo boo princess maam".
yes...she actually says "mamma boo boo princess maam"
-little asian girl (FINALLY) back
....although it took me more than 4 months to write this ONE post.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
So lately I have been having thoughts about picking up blogging again. I realized that I had neglected my legions of fans and haven't brightened your day with stories of poop shaped like deities or annoying 22 yr olds who seemed to have left the bottom halves of their shirts in the dryer.
I actually had many witty and comical stories in mind since funny and unbelievable things happen every day with a toddler who now says things like "baby gwumpy" and "no, I don't like that." (yes..it's lovely...)
However, today as I was about to make a smoothie for little asian baby's dinner (of course after she rejected the first 5 choices I gave her) I opened the yoplait kids yogurt container that I had just bought 4 days ago to find.....
So I had to restart blogging about mold in yogurt, rather than little asian baby's latest antics.
As you can see there is an unsightly, fuzzy, green, growth on the top of the yogurt. As I mentioned, I just bought this container of yogurt this past Sunday. The "best by" date is actually OCTOBER 5, 2013. Yes that's right people...OCTOBER! (today is sept. 18th for those of you who are calendarly challenged. yeah that's right, I just made that word up.) Imagine, if I had not opened this container until then, how much more grisly and gag inducing would the mold have been!
I promptly took a picture of the mold, the packaging, and wrote an email to the company with the picture attached. I also plan to call them tomorrow during "normal business hours" because this is just plain NASTY!
So, although I feel like my comeback to blogging is more like Lindsay Lohan's attempts at a comeback (half-assed and containing some sort of bacterial growth). At least I'm doing the public a favor by coming back with a PSA.
I think I deserve a medal or something....
-little asain girl
I actually had many witty and comical stories in mind since funny and unbelievable things happen every day with a toddler who now says things like "baby gwumpy" and "no, I don't like that." (yes..it's lovely...)
However, today as I was about to make a smoothie for little asian baby's dinner (of course after she rejected the first 5 choices I gave her) I opened the yoplait kids yogurt container that I had just bought 4 days ago to find.....
So I had to restart blogging about mold in yogurt, rather than little asian baby's latest antics.
As you can see there is an unsightly, fuzzy, green, growth on the top of the yogurt. As I mentioned, I just bought this container of yogurt this past Sunday. The "best by" date is actually OCTOBER 5, 2013. Yes that's right people...OCTOBER! (today is sept. 18th for those of you who are calendarly challenged. yeah that's right, I just made that word up.) Imagine, if I had not opened this container until then, how much more grisly and gag inducing would the mold have been!
I promptly took a picture of the mold, the packaging, and wrote an email to the company with the picture attached. I also plan to call them tomorrow during "normal business hours" because this is just plain NASTY!
So, although I feel like my comeback to blogging is more like Lindsay Lohan's attempts at a comeback (half-assed and containing some sort of bacterial growth). At least I'm doing the public a favor by coming back with a PSA.
I think I deserve a medal or something....
-little asain girl
Friday, April 12, 2013
Our Perfect Little Princess!
This past weekend as I was going through little asian baby's clothes, clearing out winter clothes, clothes that have gotten too small and what not. I came upon her "special occasion" dresses, and instead of putting them away never to be seen again, I decided I could put her in one just for a regular Saturday. Who says you can't dress like a fairy princess on the weekends right? Anyways, here are some pictures of our perfect little princess!
-little asian girl
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Enjoying a fruit snack~ |
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"Hey..what's that on TV?" |
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Perfect. |
Friday, April 5, 2013
I have a confession to make.
Something that I'm not TOTALLY embarrassed to admit, but I'm sure some eyebrows will be raised.
It's something I just don't have the strength or will power to quit.
Hello, my name is little asian girl and I..... I still breastfeed my toddler!
don't judge.
Ok Ok, so yes little asian baby is now 20 months old. Yes Yes she has all her teeth and is completely capable of eating solid food. And YES she is also capable of knowing and understanding that mama's joo joo's are for getting milk and not just there for show. However, as I have mentioned above, I just don't have the physical strength or will power to wean her. For those of you who've never nursed before, weaning a baby from breastfeeding is not as simple as just turning off the valves and locking up for the night. Babies who have to start weaning (especially if they are not little infants anymore) become UNBELIEVABLY clingy, they're sleep schedules get disturbed, they get cranky, irritable, and I'm sure that they start to harbor some deep emotional resentment toward their mothers. So I'm just not going to do it, until little asian baby does it herself. And although a friend of mine did recently tell me that she thinks babies who "self wean" is just a myth.....I'm still holding out hope.
Also, as I have mentioned before a GAZILLION times, little asian baby is a SUPREMELY picky eater, and lately won't touch anything unless it's french fries or pizza. Yeah, yeah, people have already told me to starve her so that she'll eat, but the first/last time I did that she ate nothing but 3 strawberries the whole day and by the end of the day was a COMPLETE monster because she was hungry. (I wasn't home all day because of work, so it wasn't like I stood by watching her starve, and asian husband tried to feed her CONSTANTLY through out the entire time I was gone but little asian baby refused any and all offerings....so no need to alert CPS.) Anyway, when I came home that day from work, she LUNGED at me and nearly ripped my shirt off and COMPLETELY emptied both sides and then said "AHHH" after she was done.
it was cute.
So anyway, I decided I won't be able to wean her for a while..but whatever. I've accepted it. You should too. Now I'm sure you're wondering what the title of this post has to do with all this nonsense I blabbed on about, but I'll tell you now.
Yesterday when little asian baby woke up from her nap, I asked her if she wanted to be nursed.
"Do you want some joo joo?" said I.
"AWESHOME!" said little asian baby (she meant "awesome" for those perplexed individuals)
and it was. aweshome.
-little asian girl
Something that I'm not TOTALLY embarrassed to admit, but I'm sure some eyebrows will be raised.
It's something I just don't have the strength or will power to quit.
Hello, my name is little asian girl and I..... I still breastfeed my toddler!
don't judge.
Ok Ok, so yes little asian baby is now 20 months old. Yes Yes she has all her teeth and is completely capable of eating solid food. And YES she is also capable of knowing and understanding that mama's joo joo's are for getting milk and not just there for show. However, as I have mentioned above, I just don't have the physical strength or will power to wean her. For those of you who've never nursed before, weaning a baby from breastfeeding is not as simple as just turning off the valves and locking up for the night. Babies who have to start weaning (especially if they are not little infants anymore) become UNBELIEVABLY clingy, they're sleep schedules get disturbed, they get cranky, irritable, and I'm sure that they start to harbor some deep emotional resentment toward their mothers. So I'm just not going to do it, until little asian baby does it herself. And although a friend of mine did recently tell me that she thinks babies who "self wean" is just a myth.....I'm still holding out hope.
Also, as I have mentioned before a GAZILLION times, little asian baby is a SUPREMELY picky eater, and lately won't touch anything unless it's french fries or pizza. Yeah, yeah, people have already told me to starve her so that she'll eat, but the first/last time I did that she ate nothing but 3 strawberries the whole day and by the end of the day was a COMPLETE monster because she was hungry. (I wasn't home all day because of work, so it wasn't like I stood by watching her starve, and asian husband tried to feed her CONSTANTLY through out the entire time I was gone but little asian baby refused any and all offerings....so no need to alert CPS.) Anyway, when I came home that day from work, she LUNGED at me and nearly ripped my shirt off and COMPLETELY emptied both sides and then said "AHHH" after she was done.
it was cute.
So anyway, I decided I won't be able to wean her for a while..but whatever. I've accepted it. You should too. Now I'm sure you're wondering what the title of this post has to do with all this nonsense I blabbed on about, but I'll tell you now.
Yesterday when little asian baby woke up from her nap, I asked her if she wanted to be nursed.
"Do you want some joo joo?" said I.
"AWESHOME!" said little asian baby (she meant "awesome" for those perplexed individuals)
and it was. aweshome.
-little asian girl
Thursday, April 4, 2013
What a difference a year makes!
A few months ago I posted a post about the cousin's christmas picture and how from year to year things change so rapidly. So now that little asian baby's second Easter holiday has passed, it reminded me again that little asian baby is growing and changing so so quickly. Last year when she was still just 8 months old Easter was like this:
All we could do really was to just dress her up in a cute dress and take her to church. I mean she couldn't walk or talk and was still taking 3 naps a day! (ahh..the good ol days)
Now THIS Easter little asian baby got to go to not ONE, but TWO Easter egg hunts, and at each hunt I was rapidly "redistributing" the eggs from her basket back onto the grass so that she could keep on "hunting" for eggs. Also, since little asian baby's language skills are more advanced and rapidly developing, she recognized what was going on and ran around saying "Egg!" "Egg!" "Egg!" Here are some pictures from both events. (and yes, the second egg hunt was in front of grandma's house..but she didn't mind. And I definitely didn't miss the crowds, screaming children, overly "enthusiastic" parents, or big kids almost trampling my little baby to death to get to the "EGG!")
Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!
-little asian girl
All we could do really was to just dress her up in a cute dress and take her to church. I mean she couldn't walk or talk and was still taking 3 naps a day! (ahh..the good ol days)
Now THIS Easter little asian baby got to go to not ONE, but TWO Easter egg hunts, and at each hunt I was rapidly "redistributing" the eggs from her basket back onto the grass so that she could keep on "hunting" for eggs. Also, since little asian baby's language skills are more advanced and rapidly developing, she recognized what was going on and ran around saying "Egg!" "Egg!" "Egg!" Here are some pictures from both events. (and yes, the second egg hunt was in front of grandma's house..but she didn't mind. And I definitely didn't miss the crowds, screaming children, overly "enthusiastic" parents, or big kids almost trampling my little baby to death to get to the "EGG!")
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"EGG!" |
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"EGG!" (and mommy's looming shadow) |
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little asian baby guarding her "EGG!" |
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"EGG!" |
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"EGG!" (Grandma and Auntie S in the background) |
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"EGGS!!!!!" |
-little asian girl
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Daddy and Baby's DAY OF FUN!
So since I started my new job at the local church, every Sunday I have to go to "work". And since I can't take little asian baby with me, I leave her home with asian husband. Now, I am one of those SUPER lucky ladies who has a WONDERFUL & AMAZINGLY HELPFUL husband who is also a GREAT & AMAZING dad. (Can you tell asian husband reads my blog? heee heee.) Anyways, so every Sunday little asian baby and asian daddy have their DAY OF FUN! I call it the DAY OF FUN, because they really get to do some fun things. Where as with mommy, little asian baby only goes to boring places like the mall or target and a park or two every week...with daddy she gets to go to zoos, museums, regional parks and the like! Here are some pictures of the adventures they've had so far!
What a lucky (and happy!) baby!
-little asian girl
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Posing like a model at the California Science Center |
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GIANT lego tower also at California Science Center |
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Discovery Center in Santa Ana |
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" WHAT A GIANT TREE!!" Irvine Regional Park |
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Santa Ana Zoo |
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Daddy and Baby's DAY OF FUN! |
-little asian girl
Sunday, March 24, 2013
"For us..every morning is Monday morning."
Asian husband told one of our childless friends today. I say "childless", because it's a fact that is very important to understanding this post I'm about to write.
So yesterday, we (asian husband, asian baby and I) went out to eat with our friends. Most of whom are childless. The dinner was planned by one of asian husband's best friends, DJ Dave (yes, I call him that..DJ Dave) Now, DJ Dave is like George Clooney. Bachelor for life kind of guy. SOOO..it didn't surprise us that he picked one of those uber trendy, ultra cramped, super loud, not toddler friendly, wait 1.5 hrs just to get a table for 2, peel your own crawfish/shrimp joints. PLUS we had 11 people. Oh and it was more than a 30 minutes drive from our house.
Now, blame it on the lack of sleep or our desperate need for social contact with the outside world, but asian husband and I didn't quite think it through and decided to go. If I had been of sound mind and body I would have said to myself.."self...do you think you can really take a toddler who REFUSES to sit in a high chair, to a restaurant with no booths, loud music, an extremely long wait time, and bags of steaming hot seafood that you have to peel. yourself. I think not." However, DJ Dave said that he would get there EARLY and put his name down for a table so that when the "parents" got there, there would be minimal wait.
but of course we were the first ones to arrive. OF THE 11 people who were suppose to be there.
As little asian baby would say "AWSHOME!"
So as we waited on all of our other childless friends who don't have to stick to a rigid schedule and can show up anytime between dinner time and bedtime...asian husband and I made a contingency plan. We decided that we would wait until DJ Dave came, say our hellos to the people we hadn't seen since our pre baby days and go eat somewhere else. It was already almost 6:30 and we had to be home by 8:00 for little asian baby's bath time/bedtime. (and with a toddler in tow, 1.5 hrs is BARELY enough time to find a restaurant, eat, and drive home) So that's just what we did. We waited a good 20 minutes or so for majority of the group to show up (and in toddler time that's like an hr already) we said our hellos and then our good byes and started to look for another place to eat.
That's when our other bachelor for life childless friend Uncle Joe said "But it's Saturday night can't you let the baby sleep later and just wait to eat with us?"
"Every night is Saturday night for her" I said.
"And every morning is Monday morning for us" asian husband said.
So true asian husband. So true.
Needless to say by the time we found a new place to eat, ate, paid the bill, and left the restaurant our friends had JUST gotten seated at the uber trendy, loud, wait an hr to be seated, peel your own steaming bags of seafood place.
Next time we'll just stay home.
-little asian baby
So yesterday, we (asian husband, asian baby and I) went out to eat with our friends. Most of whom are childless. The dinner was planned by one of asian husband's best friends, DJ Dave (yes, I call him that..DJ Dave) Now, DJ Dave is like George Clooney. Bachelor for life kind of guy. SOOO..it didn't surprise us that he picked one of those uber trendy, ultra cramped, super loud, not toddler friendly, wait 1.5 hrs just to get a table for 2, peel your own crawfish/shrimp joints. PLUS we had 11 people. Oh and it was more than a 30 minutes drive from our house.
Now, blame it on the lack of sleep or our desperate need for social contact with the outside world, but asian husband and I didn't quite think it through and decided to go. If I had been of sound mind and body I would have said to myself.."self...do you think you can really take a toddler who REFUSES to sit in a high chair, to a restaurant with no booths, loud music, an extremely long wait time, and bags of steaming hot seafood that you have to peel. yourself. I think not." However, DJ Dave said that he would get there EARLY and put his name down for a table so that when the "parents" got there, there would be minimal wait.
but of course we were the first ones to arrive. OF THE 11 people who were suppose to be there.
As little asian baby would say "AWSHOME!"
So as we waited on all of our other childless friends who don't have to stick to a rigid schedule and can show up anytime between dinner time and bedtime...asian husband and I made a contingency plan. We decided that we would wait until DJ Dave came, say our hellos to the people we hadn't seen since our pre baby days and go eat somewhere else. It was already almost 6:30 and we had to be home by 8:00 for little asian baby's bath time/bedtime. (and with a toddler in tow, 1.5 hrs is BARELY enough time to find a restaurant, eat, and drive home) So that's just what we did. We waited a good 20 minutes or so for majority of the group to show up (and in toddler time that's like an hr already) we said our hellos and then our good byes and started to look for another place to eat.
That's when our other bachelor for life childless friend Uncle Joe said "But it's Saturday night can't you let the baby sleep later and just wait to eat with us?"
"Every night is Saturday night for her" I said.
"And every morning is Monday morning for us" asian husband said.
So true asian husband. So true.
Needless to say by the time we found a new place to eat, ate, paid the bill, and left the restaurant our friends had JUST gotten seated at the uber trendy, loud, wait an hr to be seated, peel your own steaming bags of seafood place.
Next time we'll just stay home.
-little asian baby
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
This past week, little asian baby, Auntie S and I went to our local outdoor mall. It was a BLISTERING 91 degrees outside, and after some light shopping and some free scoops of ice cream (courtesy of the employee at Coldstone who gave my sister free ice cream, because my sister is a baller and ONLY had a 100 dolla bill and I guess Coldstone doesn't take bills larger than 20, so the employee said just to take the scoops that she had already scooped, because if my sister didn't take them she would just have to throw them out...phew..that was a really long run on sentence!) Anyway, after buying little asian baby some new spring/summer clothes and eating ice cream. Little asian baby played with this "water fountain" thing at the nearby playground. We hadn't planned on her getting wet this particular day, and if it wasn't for the new clothes I had just bought her, little asian baby would have had to ride home either cold/wet or naked with just her diaper. (Oh NO, i just used some porno words) So here are some photos of her playing with the fountain and her wardrobe change.
This is what she was wearing BEFORE the water adventure. (She was also wearing gray high top converse sneakers, which also got wet because of the fountain. Luckily I had just bought a new pair of shoes for her as well, as you will see in the pictures below.)
And after a fun filled afternoon of watery fun, little asian baby left the playground looking like this:
-little asian girl
This is what she was wearing BEFORE the water adventure. (She was also wearing gray high top converse sneakers, which also got wet because of the fountain. Luckily I had just bought a new pair of shoes for her as well, as you will see in the pictures below.)
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I know I know...CUTEST BABY EVER!! |
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The water "fountain" and little asian baby trying to "pick up" the water... |
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The water trickles down over the edges of this thing, and even though you can't tell by the picture, little asian baby's shirt is soaked through from basically leaning up against the water. |
And after a fun filled afternoon of watery fun, little asian baby left the playground looking like this:
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-little asian girl
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Occasionally I find.....
my utensil drawer like this.
whhhaaatt tthhe....right?
Well, I would like to tell you that I got so lazy one day that I just threw the utensils into the drawer with literally no rhyme or reason, but actually little asian baby did it. It's her attempt to help me around the kitchen. It's actually quite cute. And I was pleasantly surprised that she had been paying attention to me unloading the dishwasher every single morning and actually decided to help me one day. And I suppose when she becomes tall enough to actually see where she's putting the forks, spoons and spatulas she'll get them into the right compartments, but until then I'm just glad that she's taking to domestic duties. Plus finding drawers like this around the house is one of the perks of being a parent to a toddler. It's just fun.
Now only if she'd learn the fold the laundry instead of playing with the piles that I JUST folded.....
-little asian girl
whhhaaatt tthhe....right?
Well, I would like to tell you that I got so lazy one day that I just threw the utensils into the drawer with literally no rhyme or reason, but actually little asian baby did it. It's her attempt to help me around the kitchen. It's actually quite cute. And I was pleasantly surprised that she had been paying attention to me unloading the dishwasher every single morning and actually decided to help me one day. And I suppose when she becomes tall enough to actually see where she's putting the forks, spoons and spatulas she'll get them into the right compartments, but until then I'm just glad that she's taking to domestic duties. Plus finding drawers like this around the house is one of the perks of being a parent to a toddler. It's just fun.
Now only if she'd learn the fold the laundry instead of playing with the piles that I JUST folded.....
-little asian girl
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
"oh..that's nice."
Is what I said 20 minutes ago at 2:30AM. (yeah that's right I said 2:30AM!!) Ironically or maybe sadly is the more accurate term, it's not the first time I've said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM...
I've said it sarcastically before at 2:30AM because I'm annoyed that my biological clock is as all jacked upped due to night nursing and I wake up at random times at night even if little asian baby isn't awake. I've also said it while being SUPREMELY annoyed at 2:30AM, that little asian baby has kicked me (YET AGAIN) during HER peaceful slumber. (Notice I said HER peaceful slumber, because there's actually NOTHING peaceful about co-sleeping with a toddler. They don't even let you cuddle with them while they're sleeping so it's a double boo!) but the reason as to WHY I said it this time might be the first. I can tell you're super curious now as to why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM and the longer I wait to tell you as to why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM is just making you go crazy with curiosity. So maybe I'll just type some more nonsense..bLAh BLaH..bLAH BLAH biDDy bLaH BlOOp blah~....
ok ok..so the reason why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM (yeah yeah, I know it's getting old~) is because I got my "monthly cycle"! HURRAY, and I am actually genuinely happy that I got it. Since asian husband and I are not planning to have another child until our current child can speak in complete sentences I am genuinely not bothered by the fact that I got my period. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SAID PERIOD!
Anyway, I was kind of getting nervous, because I had gotten my period in the month of January but not in the month of February and was considering taking a pregnancy test...but fortunately my body has saved me the agony/stress of taking the test and the whirlwind of questions that chaotically swirl through your mind as you wait for the stick to reveal one line or two...oh and 11 dollars since that's how much a box of tests costs..so...
And although I know that when nursing mothers start getting their cycle back it can be inconsistent... I realized that I was just trying to convince myself of that fact, and was hoping (more so than I thought) that I would get my cycle soon. So here I am at what is now 3:30AM, squandering my precious sleeping minutes away to blog about the AM event that surprised and affected me enough that I felt the need to blog about it IMMEDIATELY.
Of course I know that, I'm not the only woman in the world who is happy when her cycle returns, although I might be the only woman who feels the need to blog about it. Idiotic teens who "forget" to use birth control/condoms and drunk club girls with questionable decision making skills can probably relate..but I thought it would give you something to read and maybe you'd get a chuckle or two out of it.
The only downside to the cycle returning, is now I have to tell my grandmother (yet again) that I'm still not pregnant and hear what she has to say. yay.
** side note **
When I told my grandmother that I hadn't gotten my period last month, this is what she said "PLEASE DON'T GET IT! PLEASE DON'T GET IT!" and even as I write this I wonder why I even tell my grandmother these things. OH RIGHT IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S WEIRD AND NOSY AND ALWAYS ASKS! I gotta stop visiting her.....
-little asian girl
I've said it sarcastically before at 2:30AM because I'm annoyed that my biological clock is as all jacked upped due to night nursing and I wake up at random times at night even if little asian baby isn't awake. I've also said it while being SUPREMELY annoyed at 2:30AM, that little asian baby has kicked me (YET AGAIN) during HER peaceful slumber. (Notice I said HER peaceful slumber, because there's actually NOTHING peaceful about co-sleeping with a toddler. They don't even let you cuddle with them while they're sleeping so it's a double boo!) but the reason as to WHY I said it this time might be the first. I can tell you're super curious now as to why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM and the longer I wait to tell you as to why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM is just making you go crazy with curiosity. So maybe I'll just type some more nonsense..bLAh BLaH..bLAH BLAH biDDy bLaH BlOOp blah~....
ok ok..so the reason why I said "oh..that's nice." at 2:30AM (yeah yeah, I know it's getting old~) is because I got my "monthly cycle"! HURRAY, and I am actually genuinely happy that I got it. Since asian husband and I are not planning to have another child until our current child can speak in complete sentences I am genuinely not bothered by the fact that I got my period. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SAID PERIOD!
Anyway, I was kind of getting nervous, because I had gotten my period in the month of January but not in the month of February and was considering taking a pregnancy test...but fortunately my body has saved me the agony/stress of taking the test and the whirlwind of questions that chaotically swirl through your mind as you wait for the stick to reveal one line or two...oh and 11 dollars since that's how much a box of tests costs..so...
And although I know that when nursing mothers start getting their cycle back it can be inconsistent... I realized that I was just trying to convince myself of that fact, and was hoping (more so than I thought) that I would get my cycle soon. So here I am at what is now 3:30AM, squandering my precious sleeping minutes away to blog about the AM event that surprised and affected me enough that I felt the need to blog about it IMMEDIATELY.
Of course I know that, I'm not the only woman in the world who is happy when her cycle returns, although I might be the only woman who feels the need to blog about it. Idiotic teens who "forget" to use birth control/condoms and drunk club girls with questionable decision making skills can probably relate..but I thought it would give you something to read and maybe you'd get a chuckle or two out of it.
The only downside to the cycle returning, is now I have to tell my grandmother (yet again) that I'm still not pregnant and hear what she has to say. yay.
** side note **
When I told my grandmother that I hadn't gotten my period last month, this is what she said "PLEASE DON'T GET IT! PLEASE DON'T GET IT!" and even as I write this I wonder why I even tell my grandmother these things. OH RIGHT IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S WEIRD AND NOSY AND ALWAYS ASKS! I gotta stop visiting her.....
-little asian girl
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Is what I said (loudly) to myself as I watched the plate of angel food cake go FLYING off of my car in the rear view mirror with a CRASH so loud I heard it while I was driving away.....
SOOO a few weeks ago, my aunt from New Jersey came to visit. She had just retired from YEARS as a postal worker and came to Cali to visit her sisters and parents. It was her last day in Cali (yes I am going to refer to California as "Cali" for the entire duration of this post. DEAL WITH IT!) and she wanted to see little asian baby, so I hauled myass booty down to orange county to see her before she had to leave for the airport. Now, I love my Aunt Patty a lot. She's super funny and fun to be around. She's always cracking jokes and making us laugh, so I was happy to see her. The night before I was to go to my grandmother's (where my aunt patty was staying while she was in Cali) I decided to bake an angel food cake. Since I was going there during breakfast hours, and didn't want to only eat veggies and dip (the only thing my grandmother serves for breakfast) so I baked. In the morning, I cut asian hubby a slice of cake and since now the angel food cake (obviously) had a piece missing I thought I would just cut up the rest of it into slices as to hide the evidence that someone else had already helped himself to some.. I was in a semi-rush, as all mother's of toddlers who are trying to get out of the house always are, so I guess my mind was a little scattered. (YES YES MORE SO THAN MY USUAL COO COO CA CHOO STATE OF MIND!) So after wrestling with asian baby for 20 minutes I finally got her diaper changed and dressed for the day and I took my plate of cake as well as my other baggage (figuratively and literally) and got down to the car. Now since I am no Houdini or even David Blaine, I couldn't levitate the plate, the bag and the baby so I just placed the plate on top of the car while I put little asian baby in the car seat. Then I promptly hopped into the car and went on my way.
While I was stopped a light right in front of our place, I remember a guy honking at me when the light turned green. At the time I thought that the person was just being a dope head (yeah I said dope head) and being SUPER rude/impatient about the light that had JUST turned green, but now I realize, they were just being a good samaritan and trying to warn the crazy little asian girl that there was a plate of cake on her car.
So that is how I came to watch one of my dinner plates fly off my car along with my expectations for a breakfast that didn't include radishes and thousand island dressing.
-little asian girl
SOOO a few weeks ago, my aunt from New Jersey came to visit. She had just retired from YEARS as a postal worker and came to Cali to visit her sisters and parents. It was her last day in Cali (yes I am going to refer to California as "Cali" for the entire duration of this post. DEAL WITH IT!) and she wanted to see little asian baby, so I hauled my
While I was stopped a light right in front of our place, I remember a guy honking at me when the light turned green. At the time I thought that the person was just being a dope head (yeah I said dope head) and being SUPER rude/impatient about the light that had JUST turned green, but now I realize, they were just being a good samaritan and trying to warn the crazy little asian girl that there was a plate of cake on her car.
So that is how I came to watch one of my dinner plates fly off my car along with my expectations for a breakfast that didn't include radishes and thousand island dressing.
-little asian girl
Monday, March 4, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
"Uh oH"
A few weeks ago, I started a new job at a local church. Yes, yes I said CHURCH! Anyway, since I work at a church my "work day" is basically Sunday. So every Sunday morning I have to leave little asian baby with asian husband while little asian momma goes off the work. It's been kind of a rocky road, since little asian baby had never spent more than an hour or so with asian husband by herself without me, but ever since she turned 17 or so months she has warmed up to daddy quite considerably. (Much to my relief!)
Now, none of this information that I have just given you has anything to do with the story I'm about to tell, but I just thought it would be nice for you to know!
So here is what I was going to write about all along. This past Sunday I decided to get up early, well..extra early since we all get up around 7am thanks to little asian baby....... but I decided to get up EXTRA early (6am) so's that I could take a shower, finish assembling Valentine's day cookies for the church people, and still have enough time to get hair and makeup done and be out of the house by NO LATER than 8am. When I awoke from the already precious little sleep I get anyways (thanks again to little asian baby.....) she was still asleep. Now usually, little asian baby sleeps from about 4am to 7am without stirring. How do I know this you ask? Because I'm her mom is the answer.
As all moms know, the day that you decided to change up any part of the daily routine, even if you just think silently in your mind that this might be something you will do, the little stinkers sense it and they change up their routine too so as to ruin the change you wanted to make.
Make sense?
So what I mean is, reasonable doubt may get you a free pass in a court of law, but if you have any sort of doubt in your mind that your baby who has been sleeping from 4am-7am for the past 5 months will now all of a sudden wake up at 6am because you decided to be productive and get an early start to the day.....all will be ruined.
As was the case this past Sunday. As I slowly slipped out of bed to take my shower, I had a feeling in my gut that as soon as I turned the water on and stepped in the shower little asian baby would wake up. I of course took my shower in the second bathroom which is on the other side of the house, but didn't matter. I think little asian baby "sensed" that I was no longer lying next to her. So as I quickly lathered, rinsed and did not repeat, I kept hearing what I thought were "phantom" cries from little asian baby. (that's a real thing by the way, ask any mother. You hear your baby crying all the time, in the shower, while you're sleeping, while your baby is at grandma's and you're out alone......) Then I heard a "thump" which I hoped was just the upstairs neighbor dropping his morning cereal box... (in actuality it was asian husband flinging the door of his bedroom open to run to little asian baby's aid, because momma still hasn't learned that she no longer can control anything...) I quickly rinsed the last of the soap suds off of my body and hoped that when I opened the bathroom door the only sounds in the house would be of asian husband's snoring, but ALAS!!! Cries from little asian baby could be heard from miles away! So what did I do?
I dried myself off in a nano second, wrapped my wet hair turban style, and ran across the living room (sans clothing) to assess the damage. There was asian husband, blurry eyed and still a little dazed trying to comfort little asian baby who was rolling around the bed crying hysterically. I rushed to baby's side and quickly gave her the boob. It calmed her down instantly, but the damage had already been done. There was no going back, to sleep that is. Little asian baby was up, an hour earlier than normal, and I could feel in my bones that this was NOT a good start to the day.
Little asian baby must have felt the same way, because after she finished nursing, she looked straight up at me and said...
"uh oh."
Yup. My sentiments exactly.
Then she said it again, "Uh OH!" I think to really drive the point home.
Needless to say, she was cranky the rest of the day and asian husband told me that while I was gone baby had a MAJOR meltdown and cried hysterically and wasn't consolable.
Lesson learned little asian baby. Lesson learned.
-little asian girl out!
young love.....
In lieu of the upcoming Valentine's day, I thought I'd share my thoughts about love.
Now, I'm sure you probably already know, but I am NOT a hopeless romantic by any means. I play on the "Valentine's day is for suckers" team, and I remember telling my mother in high school that I wouldn't want a guy to buy me flowers, because they eventually die and that's just dumb.
Yeah. I'm that girl.
Asian husband is so lucky. .....right?....
Anyway, the reason why I was even thinking about love, was because yesterday while I was at my local hot dog/corn dog fast food joint, I saw two young college kids on, what seemed like, a date. So after I ordered my 15 corn dogs, 5 hot dogs, 4 orders of chili cheese fries, and a root beer float.........
I sat tospy on observe the two young idiots kids, because I like to be nosy and stare and random people doing random things.
As I watched this young couple, girl foolishly giggling at whatever nonsensical joke the guy was making. They were so googly eyed and in their own world, I thought to myself, "Oh young love. So innocent, so pure, so STUPID!"
Ok, so now that I'm 30, married, with a kid and all, I do feel that I can say with (some) authority what love quite possibly could be and most definitely is not.
As I sat and watched the two googley eyed "lovebirds" I just wanted to pull her aside and say "GGIIRRRLLLL....lemme tell you how this "love story" is going to end.."
To you. Young, naive, blinded by "love" girl who's on a date right now at a fast food joint:
"You're probably thinking right now that this is one of the BEST dates you've ever been on right? You're thinking..OH HOW SWEET!! He took me to get fast food! How cute and romantic! We can share chili fries and I can get a milk shake~ I can tell my girlfriends that we laughed and laughed and made silly inside jokes about the annoying cashier. Then after "dinner" we're probably going back to his place and we'll "do it" all night long on his floor futon! Well, reality is, this guy is (sadly) not the first broke ass loser you're going to date. Fast food and futons maybe seem (oddly) romantic and carefree, but trust me. It gets real old. real fast. You'll soon yearn to eat at a place that doesn't have plastic utensils and when you're prince charming's roommate knocks on the door while the two of you are STILL doing it on the futon, because he can't afford a REAL bed....you're gonna wanna drop this dude in a hot minute!"
So as I grabbed my enormous amount of food and walked out the door, I saw the starry eyed couple get in HER car and I thought..
"yeah..that's definitely going to work.."
*siGh* young love. I hope they have a happy Valentine's day and she doesn't get too awestruck by the ring pop he decides to give her.
-little asian girl
Now, I'm sure you probably already know, but I am NOT a hopeless romantic by any means. I play on the "Valentine's day is for suckers" team, and I remember telling my mother in high school that I wouldn't want a guy to buy me flowers, because they eventually die and that's just dumb.
Yeah. I'm that girl.
Asian husband is so lucky. .....right?....
Anyway, the reason why I was even thinking about love, was because yesterday while I was at my local hot dog/corn dog fast food joint, I saw two young college kids on, what seemed like, a date. So after I ordered my 15 corn dogs, 5 hot dogs, 4 orders of chili cheese fries, and a root beer float.........
I sat to
As I watched this young couple, girl foolishly giggling at whatever nonsensical joke the guy was making. They were so googly eyed and in their own world, I thought to myself, "Oh young love. So innocent, so pure, so STUPID!"
Ok, so now that I'm 30, married, with a kid and all, I do feel that I can say with (some) authority what love quite possibly could be and most definitely is not.
As I sat and watched the two googley eyed "lovebirds" I just wanted to pull her aside and say "GGIIRRRLLLL....lemme tell you how this "love story" is going to end.."
To you. Young, naive, blinded by "love" girl who's on a date right now at a fast food joint:
"You're probably thinking right now that this is one of the BEST dates you've ever been on right? You're thinking..OH HOW SWEET!! He took me to get fast food! How cute and romantic! We can share chili fries and I can get a milk shake~ I can tell my girlfriends that we laughed and laughed and made silly inside jokes about the annoying cashier. Then after "dinner" we're probably going back to his place and we'll "do it" all night long on his floor futon! Well, reality is, this guy is (sadly) not the first broke ass loser you're going to date. Fast food and futons maybe seem (oddly) romantic and carefree, but trust me. It gets real old. real fast. You'll soon yearn to eat at a place that doesn't have plastic utensils and when you're prince charming's roommate knocks on the door while the two of you are STILL doing it on the futon, because he can't afford a REAL bed....you're gonna wanna drop this dude in a hot minute!"
So as I grabbed my enormous amount of food and walked out the door, I saw the starry eyed couple get in HER car and I thought..
"yeah..that's definitely going to work.."
*siGh* young love. I hope they have a happy Valentine's day and she doesn't get too awestruck by the ring pop he decides to give her.
-little asian girl
Friday, February 8, 2013
Last week, I went to the market with little asian baby. Going anywhere with a toddler is always touch and go. You never know which toddler you're going to be bringing into the market with you. The little asian baby that WAS happy when you put her in the car could turn into grouchy little asian baby on the 5 min drive to the market because the sun was in her face. Or the little asian baby that had just taken a 2.5 hr nap could still be cranky and irritable. It's like opening an Easter egg. A different prize every time!
Anyway, so after I carried her downstairs, loaded her into the car, drove down the street, unloaded her from the car, carried her into the market, and was grabbing the shopping cart, OF COURSE I realized that I had forgotten my wallet at home.
So I picked her back up out of the shopping cart, loaded her back into the car, drove back up the street, unloaded her again, carried her up the stairs, grabbed my wallet....and the whole circus came to town again!
(don't worry, I didn't just waste 2 minutes of your day just to tell you every mundane step to taking little asian baby to the market..)
So as I was pulling into the market parking lot (for the second time in 20 minutes) I saw some open spaces right in front! You know the one. Not the handicap one (which really is the best spot...) but you know the one NEXT to the handicap spot that's close enough to the cart collecting thing so that you can put the cart back like a good citizen and also close enough to the market doors, so if you only had a basket you could carry all the bags without needing a trip to the emergency room for a fractured ulna? (yeah, I know that's a bone in the arm!) I was elated that at least I could get a good spot after all the trouble I had gone through, but upon a further (more detailed) look, I saw a white minivan parked HORIZONTALLY across the spot, therefore blocking anyone from taking it. PLUS TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE!! (well at least worse for me..) there seemed to be two high school kids who looked like they had just stepped out of a Vanilla Ice music video standing next to the van.
Now, if you know anything about me so far, you know that I generally dislike all people. BUT young, clueless, plastic gold chain wearing, hat to the side sporting, baggy pants, hanging out in the middle of a parking lot on a school day hooligans ANNOY ME THE MOST!!!!
Now these two "irritants" were standing with the van door open, talking to some other dude who looked like he was still clinging onto his high school glory days (even though he probably was like 30) and when I looked INSIDE the van, it seemed as if the kids were trying to sell some sort of (probably bootlegged, imitation, made in my momma's backyard) electronic equipment!
needless to say, I was supremely annoyed and wanted to yell out the window.." GO GET A JOB OR AN EDUCATION!!"
but I didn't because they drove off and I got to park in the "good" spot anyway.
that's it.
-little asian girl
Anyway, so after I carried her downstairs, loaded her into the car, drove down the street, unloaded her from the car, carried her into the market, and was grabbing the shopping cart, OF COURSE I realized that I had forgotten my wallet at home.
So I picked her back up out of the shopping cart, loaded her back into the car, drove back up the street, unloaded her again, carried her up the stairs, grabbed my wallet....and the whole circus came to town again!
(don't worry, I didn't just waste 2 minutes of your day just to tell you every mundane step to taking little asian baby to the market..)
So as I was pulling into the market parking lot (for the second time in 20 minutes) I saw some open spaces right in front! You know the one. Not the handicap one (which really is the best spot...) but you know the one NEXT to the handicap spot that's close enough to the cart collecting thing so that you can put the cart back like a good citizen and also close enough to the market doors, so if you only had a basket you could carry all the bags without needing a trip to the emergency room for a fractured ulna? (yeah, I know that's a bone in the arm!) I was elated that at least I could get a good spot after all the trouble I had gone through, but upon a further (more detailed) look, I saw a white minivan parked HORIZONTALLY across the spot, therefore blocking anyone from taking it. PLUS TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE!! (well at least worse for me..) there seemed to be two high school kids who looked like they had just stepped out of a Vanilla Ice music video standing next to the van.
Now, if you know anything about me so far, you know that I generally dislike all people. BUT young, clueless, plastic gold chain wearing, hat to the side sporting, baggy pants, hanging out in the middle of a parking lot on a school day hooligans ANNOY ME THE MOST!!!!
Now these two "irritants" were standing with the van door open, talking to some other dude who looked like he was still clinging onto his high school glory days (even though he probably was like 30) and when I looked INSIDE the van, it seemed as if the kids were trying to sell some sort of (probably bootlegged, imitation, made in my momma's backyard) electronic equipment!
needless to say, I was supremely annoyed and wanted to yell out the window.." GO GET A JOB OR AN EDUCATION!!"
but I didn't because they drove off and I got to park in the "good" spot anyway.
that's it.
-little asian girl
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Dear adoring fans...
To my dear and loyal fans. I apologize that I haven't blogged in ages. I recently started a new job, (YES I SAID JOB!) So along with being a stay at home mom, I am also gainfully employed. Therefore, I haven't had much time so do anything else, let alone blog. The laundry has been sitting in the dryer (don't worry it's dry) for about a week without being folded. Wrinkles have been permanently set in asian husband's shirts and the only reason I HAD to fold it tonight, was because I need to do a new load tomorrow and (obviously) need the dryer.
So as soon as the "new kid at the new job" thing wears off I'll try to resume blogging at a more normal pace. In the meantime I will try to post as often as I can. I know you're in withdrawal.....
Thanks for reading!
-little asian girl
So as soon as the "new kid at the new job" thing wears off I'll try to resume blogging at a more normal pace. In the meantime I will try to post as often as I can. I know you're in withdrawal.....
Thanks for reading!
-little asian girl
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
best day ever.
Little asian baby started out grouchy yesterday morning and after a few mini tantrums about having to change her clothes and having her face wiped, we made it out of the house to run a couple errands.
We went to IKEA (again) to purchase some items, and I have to say here that IKEA is a good 45 minutes away from my house, so it is not an easy or quick errand to run by any means.
At IKEA little asian baby got her little finger slightly squished by a sliding drawer and slightly bonked her head on one of the 147 tables on display. (I say "slightly" because there was no bruising, bleeding or crying for more than literally 3 seconds on both occasions.) But it was still not so great and there is probably surveillance footage of me carrying crying little asian baby.
I also got the ONLY side ways wheeling shopping cart of the 1124 carts they have there, and if you've ever had a side ways wheeling shopping cart while carrying a 20-something pound toddler you KNOW it's HELLA ANNOYING!
After we made it out of IKEA with a few tears and a few magnet boards, the car seat straps decided they would get stuck and refused to recoil. Therefore I couldn't strap little asian baby safely into the car seat. After tugging, plugging, yanking, huffing, puffing, and cursing I called asian husband. He almost had to make the hour drive from work, in the middle of the day, to come fix it for me. (I say "almost" because, well obviously, I figured how to fix it.) Did I also mention that it was 84 degrees in the middle of January? I think I might have sunburn, scoliosis AND strained muscles from being hunched over the car seat in the blistering sun yanking the DAMNED straps!
And on the way home I got lost AGAIN (I SWEAR EVERY TIME I GO TO IKEA I GET LOST COMING HOME, EVEN WITH THE NAVI!) so it added 10 minutes to my already 45 min drive home. PLUS little asian baby decided, that instead of napping like she was suppose to, she would rather scream,
oops..baby just rolled off the couch.
She screamed, shrieked, cried, fussed, ripped her sun protection shade... oh, and made herself gag a few times by putting her hands in her mouth. yay.
Since she wasn't sleeping, I had to give her the tablet to watch cartoons on, which I don't LOVE to do while driving because I feel like I'm allowing her brain to rot and her eyes to become like those hypnotizing swirly circles. But what's a mom to do at this point in the day right?
I decided since she wasn't sleeping I would make one last stop at the bookstore and of course since the stroller was in the garage, I had to hold her in the front carrier. AND OF COURSE SHE FELL ASLEEP WHILE I WAS IN THE STORE!!!!!!!!! It also took me almost an HOUR to finish in the store because every time I asked the employee a question he was like
"I'm not sure actually......"
"let me ask some one...do you want me to check that?"
after I finally got my receipt he said "Have a blessed day!" You can be sure that I wasn't wishing him a "blessed" anything. And of course after I ATTEMPTED and FAILED to transfer sleeping asian baby from the carrier to the car seat she woke up after a not so restful AND short nap and was cranky all the way home.
Yesterday, was also the first day of my first postpartum "cycle" in over two years.
best. day. ever.
-little asian girl.
We went to IKEA (again) to purchase some items, and I have to say here that IKEA is a good 45 minutes away from my house, so it is not an easy or quick errand to run by any means.
At IKEA little asian baby got her little finger slightly squished by a sliding drawer and slightly bonked her head on one of the 147 tables on display. (I say "slightly" because there was no bruising, bleeding or crying for more than literally 3 seconds on both occasions.) But it was still not so great and there is probably surveillance footage of me carrying crying little asian baby.
I also got the ONLY side ways wheeling shopping cart of the 1124 carts they have there, and if you've ever had a side ways wheeling shopping cart while carrying a 20-something pound toddler you KNOW it's HELLA ANNOYING!
After we made it out of IKEA with a few tears and a few magnet boards, the car seat straps decided they would get stuck and refused to recoil. Therefore I couldn't strap little asian baby safely into the car seat. After tugging, plugging, yanking, huffing, puffing, and cursing I called asian husband. He almost had to make the hour drive from work, in the middle of the day, to come fix it for me. (I say "almost" because, well obviously, I figured how to fix it.) Did I also mention that it was 84 degrees in the middle of January? I think I might have sunburn, scoliosis AND strained muscles from being hunched over the car seat in the blistering sun yanking the DAMNED straps!
And on the way home I got lost AGAIN (I SWEAR EVERY TIME I GO TO IKEA I GET LOST COMING HOME, EVEN WITH THE NAVI!) so it added 10 minutes to my already 45 min drive home. PLUS little asian baby decided, that instead of napping like she was suppose to, she would rather scream,
oops..baby just rolled off the couch.
She screamed, shrieked, cried, fussed, ripped her sun protection shade... oh, and made herself gag a few times by putting her hands in her mouth. yay.
Since she wasn't sleeping, I had to give her the tablet to watch cartoons on, which I don't LOVE to do while driving because I feel like I'm allowing her brain to rot and her eyes to become like those hypnotizing swirly circles. But what's a mom to do at this point in the day right?
I decided since she wasn't sleeping I would make one last stop at the bookstore and of course since the stroller was in the garage, I had to hold her in the front carrier. AND OF COURSE SHE FELL ASLEEP WHILE I WAS IN THE STORE!!!!!!!!! It also took me almost an HOUR to finish in the store because every time I asked the employee a question he was like
"I'm not sure actually......"
"let me ask some one...do you want me to check that?"
after I finally got my receipt he said "Have a blessed day!" You can be sure that I wasn't wishing him a "blessed" anything. And of course after I ATTEMPTED and FAILED to transfer sleeping asian baby from the carrier to the car seat she woke up after a not so restful AND short nap and was cranky all the way home.
Yesterday, was also the first day of my first postpartum "cycle" in over two years.
best. day. ever.
-little asian girl.
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Groan Heard Around the WORLD!
Last week little asian baby and I were out running errands. We went here and there and everywhere, and while we were at one of the stores I decided to feed baby a snack.
So there we were walking around the store. Little asian baby meanwhile, was holding a snack container containing cut up strawberries. Now usually baby snack containers are designed to stay sealed even if a semi truck drives over it, but of course in our world as soon as she dropped the container onto the floor it BUSTED open and little pieces of strawberries PLUS their juice went flying. MORTIFIED, I quickly grabbed a diaper wipe to clean up the mess.
As soon as the container hit the ground I heard a VERY AUDIBLE GROAN...like "AAAEERRGGGGHH" coming from somewhere behind me. I instantly knew it was one of those disgruntled employees that hated having to clean up after messy little toddlers and shoppers who put the bananas on the shelf next to the cotton T-shirts instead of putting them back in the "grocery" section....
But seriously dude. If he had huffed and puffed any louder, the display of greeting cards across the aisle would have come crashing down! I tried to help him clean up the mess by wiping the strawberry juice with the diaper wipe, but in his annoyed gruff he swept the strawberries away from my wipe with a mini broom and went about his way.
GEESH! RUDE! AAAEERRGGGGHH right back atcha!
I guess next time I should just leave the strawberries at home.
-little asian girl
So there we were walking around the store. Little asian baby meanwhile, was holding a snack container containing cut up strawberries. Now usually baby snack containers are designed to stay sealed even if a semi truck drives over it, but of course in our world as soon as she dropped the container onto the floor it BUSTED open and little pieces of strawberries PLUS their juice went flying. MORTIFIED, I quickly grabbed a diaper wipe to clean up the mess.
As soon as the container hit the ground I heard a VERY AUDIBLE GROAN...like "AAAEERRGGGGHH" coming from somewhere behind me. I instantly knew it was one of those disgruntled employees that hated having to clean up after messy little toddlers and shoppers who put the bananas on the shelf next to the cotton T-shirts instead of putting them back in the "grocery" section....
But seriously dude. If he had huffed and puffed any louder, the display of greeting cards across the aisle would have come crashing down! I tried to help him clean up the mess by wiping the strawberry juice with the diaper wipe, but in his annoyed gruff he swept the strawberries away from my wipe with a mini broom and went about his way.
GEESH! RUDE! AAAEERRGGGGHH right back atcha!
I guess next time I should just leave the strawberries at home.
-little asian girl
Friday, January 18, 2013
"well it actually sounded like S H I T..but I'm sure it wasn't.."
Little asian baby has been picking up a lot more words here and there now a days. Some words we teach her like "thank you" and "bye bye" but some words she just learns from family members, friends, good ole television...(and they say TV is bad for you~ HA!) And since I've discovered that being exposed to a word even once is enough to make an imprint on Little Asian baby's brain, I try to tell her the name of every single frickin' thing she comes into contact with. 99% of the time she'll look at me like she understands that I'm telling her "THIS IS A PHONE! CAN YOU SAY PHONE?? PHOONE? PHOOONE!! PHOOOONE!!!!!!!" but chooses NOT to say "phone" and runs off laughing.
But what is a mother of a genius child to do, but still keep trying. right?
So the other day she was trying to get up onto a stool and I was asking her "DO YOU WANT TO SIT?? SIT?? SIT??? SIIITTT?" (yes I always speak in an increased volume when talking to my child as indicated by the ALL CAPS TYPING. I feel if I speak LOUDER she will "get it" quicker. don't judge me.) As I was asking her, she was getting more and more frustrated at the fact that I wasn't just picking her up and plopping her onto the stool and she was starting to attack the stool, so I just helped her onto it and said "SIT".
yes. like a dog.
The next day, little asian baby attempted yet again to get onto the stool, but THIS time she said "sit." Well it actually sounded like "shit", but I figured she was showing me what she had learned yesterday and since she's still learning how to speak couldn't quite get the pronunciation right......
The alternative would have been that even though no one uses profanity in our house or in our lives for that matter, she inherently knows how and when to use it and was expressing her frustration at having to attempt at getting up onto the stool by herself yet again.
-little asian girl
But what is a mother of a genius child to do, but still keep trying. right?
So the other day she was trying to get up onto a stool and I was asking her "DO YOU WANT TO SIT?? SIT?? SIT??? SIIITTT?" (yes I always speak in an increased volume when talking to my child as indicated by the ALL CAPS TYPING. I feel if I speak LOUDER she will "get it" quicker. don't judge me.) As I was asking her, she was getting more and more frustrated at the fact that I wasn't just picking her up and plopping her onto the stool and she was starting to attack the stool, so I just helped her onto it and said "SIT".
yes. like a dog.
The next day, little asian baby attempted yet again to get onto the stool, but THIS time she said "sit." Well it actually sounded like "shit", but I figured she was showing me what she had learned yesterday and since she's still learning how to speak couldn't quite get the pronunciation right......
The alternative would have been that even though no one uses profanity in our house or in our lives for that matter, she inherently knows how and when to use it and was expressing her frustration at having to attempt at getting up onto the stool by herself yet again.
-little asian girl
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
To quote my very smart and precocious 7 yr old niece. Although when she said "THE PEEEAS THE PEEEAS...." it was more like Marlon Brando in the movie "A street car named Desire" when he was shouting "STELLLAAAA STELLLAA!' (it was marlon brando right? I don't know..i had to google it, but the google link took me to a yahoo link, so I can't say if it's true or not. I only believe things from wikipedia ;) Anyway, my little niece was so disheartened by the fact that there were peas in her fried rice, she just HAD to put her head on the table and cry out " THE PEEEEAS...THE PEEEEAS!"
but I'm saying it like the kid in the movie version of "A Time to Kill" (which I originally thought was "To Kill a Mockingbird" but upon reading the wikipedia entry discovered were two different movies with the same story.) ANYWAY, at the end of the movie when they find Samuel L. Jackson's character innocent, everyone is all joyous and celebratory...
Yeah. I'm saying it like that!
well only if I saute them in butter with carrots and potatoes. Not that she eats the carrots and potatoes, because she doesn't, but she eats the peas. Why does she eat peas sauteed with carrots and potatoes, but not peas any other way?? And why won't she eat the carrots and potatoes with the peas?? I DON'T KNOW!
I have long given up the notion that I could understand why little asian baby does anything she does. All the books and web articles are wrong. There is no real explanation for why babies/toddlers do what they do. All the literature out there is just there to give parents the "illusion" of control and understanding. If I asked Dr. Expert about why little asian baby eats peas sauteed with carrots and potatoes, but not any other way, he'd probably say something like ....
"Well, a toddler's brain is an AMAZING thing! As they grow and learn they are figuring out different patterns about the world around them, and blah blah..whoo haa...wonder weeks...blah blah...brain development...systematic patterns of behavior....boop ba dee doop...cry it out...blah laah laaah...synapses in the brain.....toot tee tooot...development......doodle lee doodle...shapes, colors, Mickey Mouse....poop pa dee poop."
and then we as parents would say "WOW! AMAZING!!"
but the real reason why little asian baby will only eat peas sauteed in butter with carrots and potatoes is, because she's a toddler. And toddlers just do weird things.
Gotta love them though! I mean who wouldn't with a face like this!
-little asain girl
but I'm saying it like the kid in the movie version of "A Time to Kill" (which I originally thought was "To Kill a Mockingbird" but upon reading the wikipedia entry discovered were two different movies with the same story.) ANYWAY, at the end of the movie when they find Samuel L. Jackson's character innocent, everyone is all joyous and celebratory...
Yeah. I'm saying it like that!
well only if I saute them in butter with carrots and potatoes. Not that she eats the carrots and potatoes, because she doesn't, but she eats the peas. Why does she eat peas sauteed with carrots and potatoes, but not peas any other way?? And why won't she eat the carrots and potatoes with the peas?? I DON'T KNOW!
I have long given up the notion that I could understand why little asian baby does anything she does. All the books and web articles are wrong. There is no real explanation for why babies/toddlers do what they do. All the literature out there is just there to give parents the "illusion" of control and understanding. If I asked Dr. Expert about why little asian baby eats peas sauteed with carrots and potatoes, but not any other way, he'd probably say something like ....
"Well, a toddler's brain is an AMAZING thing! As they grow and learn they are figuring out different patterns about the world around them, and blah blah..whoo haa...wonder weeks...blah blah...brain development...systematic patterns of behavior....boop ba dee doop...cry it out...blah laah laaah...synapses in the brain.....toot tee tooot...development......doodle lee doodle...shapes, colors, Mickey Mouse....poop pa dee poop."
and then we as parents would say "WOW! AMAZING!!"
but the real reason why little asian baby will only eat peas sauteed in butter with carrots and potatoes is, because she's a toddler. And toddlers just do weird things.
Gotta love them though! I mean who wouldn't with a face like this!
-little asain girl
Sunday, January 13, 2013
"That's how we got the baby..."
"Too much doin' it."
Truer words have never been said. Now, I'm not trying to be vulgar or inappropriate, and normally I WOULD NOT divulge ANY information about "doin' it" or anything like that. I'm asian after all, we do not speak of such things in public OR private for that matter. No, no, those kind of thoughts are strictly prohibited. NOR do I want to know about your "doin' it" life, BUT when something makes me laugh out loud one day and still out loud the next day, I feel it's worth blogging about.
And don't worry..I'm not going to go into detail or anything like that. I've already learned not to put too many words that could be used in a sexual context or else the porno people come searching for my blog.
Anyway, so a few nights ago asian husband and I were talking about how we missed our single lives. Not necessarily only the times we were single without each other, but also the times when we were single without the baby. Oddly enough, this has been a reoccurring topic recently and I have been having this conversation with my mommy friends and others alike. SO, asian husband and I were talking about how before we had little asian baby sex wasn't so tiring to do. AND you could do it more than once without needing to take a nap in between! (Now here is where I am NOT going to go into detail about the frequency and duration of "doin' it" pre-baby, nor do I wish for you to enlighten me about your pre-baby antics either.) As we were having this conversation, that's when asian husband said it.
"That's how we got the baby. Too much doin' it"
I laughed. I laughed out loud. I laughed out loud for a little while...like 10 seconds. It was funny. But now that I've written about it, I feel a little uncomfortable and exposed.
Sorry about that. I hope you don't feel uncomfortable and exposed too. You can wash your eyes with bleach later. (at least there are no pictures!)
-little asian girl
Truer words have never been said. Now, I'm not trying to be vulgar or inappropriate, and normally I WOULD NOT divulge ANY information about "doin' it" or anything like that. I'm asian after all, we do not speak of such things in public OR private for that matter. No, no, those kind of thoughts are strictly prohibited. NOR do I want to know about your "doin' it" life, BUT when something makes me laugh out loud one day and still out loud the next day, I feel it's worth blogging about.
And don't worry..I'm not going to go into detail or anything like that. I've already learned not to put too many words that could be used in a sexual context or else the porno people come searching for my blog.
Anyway, so a few nights ago asian husband and I were talking about how we missed our single lives. Not necessarily only the times we were single without each other, but also the times when we were single without the baby. Oddly enough, this has been a reoccurring topic recently and I have been having this conversation with my mommy friends and others alike. SO, asian husband and I were talking about how before we had little asian baby sex wasn't so tiring to do. AND you could do it more than once without needing to take a nap in between! (Now here is where I am NOT going to go into detail about the frequency and duration of "doin' it" pre-baby, nor do I wish for you to enlighten me about your pre-baby antics either.) As we were having this conversation, that's when asian husband said it.
"That's how we got the baby. Too much doin' it"
I laughed. I laughed out loud. I laughed out loud for a little while...like 10 seconds. It was funny. But now that I've written about it, I feel a little uncomfortable and exposed.
Sorry about that. I hope you don't feel uncomfortable and exposed too. You can wash your eyes with bleach later. (at least there are no pictures!)
-little asian girl
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