Friday, November 30, 2012

What else did I need???

Oh yeah...milk. 1%, low fat, whole? 

Who knows! At least I got the veggie sticks!

-little asian girl

Thursday, November 29, 2012

That's growth people! That's growth!

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my crazy shower incident with little asian baby. So today when I decided to take yet another shower sans asian husband at home, (apparently I didn't learn my lesson the first time!) I proceeded with caution. And also made some changes to my approach.

First, there was no announcement of my intentions to take a shower like the last time. There was no "OK...mommy is going to take a shower now.. Look, look here..mommy will be right in here ok?? I'll leave the door open so you can find me! If you get scared I'll be right here! Come find me!!" 

nope. none of that. 
Like the little mice in Cinderella trying to sneak pass Lucifer the cat, I made my way past little asian baby without so much a peep. (or should I say squeak?)

Secondly, when little asian baby found me in the bathroom, I didn't engage her in any way. I mean I tried to make the situation as boring and normal as possible. NOTHING TO SEE HERE BABY. NOTHING TO SEE! I mean yess, yess, I know mommy taking a shower in the middle of the day is not something you see happening quite often..but NOTHING TO SEE!

Thirdly, I made sure to keep the soap AWAY from my eyes!

Well, little asian baby did find me in the shower after about 30 seconds, but this time she just said "TA DA!!!" gave me a slightly confused look and walked out. No attempts to touch the water, no toys were thrown in the tub and DEFINITELY NO TOILET PAPER! (THANK GOODNESS!!!! TA DA!!)  

Now I'm not sure if I can credit my new tactics or if little asian baby now knows "oh, mommy taking shower. ok. bye bye." but all I can say is...

That's growth people! That's growth!

-little asian girl

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

"My mom says, they'll just come to OUR house for Thanksgiving." asian husband said.

"Oh." is what I said.

"No, no, no. Oh NO..uh oh." is what little asian baby said. (well, ok she didn't say that, but she DOES say those words VEry VERY often, so it could have been true.)

And that's how this year, Thanksgiving ended up being at our house. NOT that I really minded. I mean yes, our house is just a small 2 bedroom condo, with only one oven that the 18lb turkey which cooked for 4 hours had to share with all the sides and fixin's. And once my 7 year old niece asked me why I didn't want a "bigger" house, BUT I have been called the "asian" Martha Stewart, so hosting parties of any sort is well...
kinda my thing~


It's REALLY my thing.


I LOVE the planning, the shopping, the cooking, the putting out of platters and pretty plates. I LOVE setting the table and making table decorations, rolling the silverware in a napkin and tying it with a pretty ribbon....*siGh* I just LOVE it all! (Can you tell I really LOVE it?!) If I really did have a bigger house with enough chairs for more than 6 people and more than one area of the house to congregate in, I would host parties ALL THE TIME! So even though it took me 1 whole day of shopping, 2 days of prep, and 3 straight hours of actual cooking which didn't include the 4 hours for the turkey to cook (and a partridge in a pear tree!!! Oh wait, wrong holiday..)


Here are some pictures of the glorious day~

Mini turkey decorations for the table

Table settings.

Full Thanksgiving spread, wine included!

Hope your Thanksgivings were as wonderful as ours was this year! 

-little asian girl

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

So it was my birthday.

My 30th birthday.

I know it's suppose to be one of those "milestone" birthdays, since it's the day when you leave your young, free, irresponsible 20's behind and enter into your more responsible, grown up, show up to work on time and don't duck out early 30's... and whether you enter your 30's kicking and screaming, singing and dancing or drunk and delusional (my personal favorite!) you should do it in style!

However, I've never been one to make a big TA DA about birthdays. (says the girl who actually had TWO celebrations this year.)

One with my side of the family

and one with asian husband's side.
You can tell the kids REALLY enjoy taking family photos~
I don't really care to have a party or a special "get together". All I really want for a birthday, all I really want for any day actually, is cake. And maybe a present or two...or three...or 14689. Just give me sugar and stuff and I'm good!

So my birthday really was just like any other normal day.

In the morning little asian baby FINALLY pooped, a big one, after like 5 days of not pooping.


Then I opened the fridge to find that the milk carton had been slowly leaking since yesterday when I bought it so the entire shelf was covered in milk. (and of course the bottom of everything that was on that shelf had milk on it too.) awesome.


THEN while I was eating dinner, I looked down at my leg (because that's what I do when I'm eating dinner apparently) and found a huge bruise on my shin. I don't even know how I got it! It just appeared! TA DA!! (as little asian baby would say) The odd thing is, it's not even the first time I've gotten a GIGANTIC bruise on my leg without noticing. Apparently I'm a clutz with amnesia.


I also rolled over the baby's sunglasses that were on the floor while playing with little asian baby and probably have a bruise on my back too. I'll probably forget by tomorrow how I got it though, so if you see me remind me to re-read this post. Thanks friend.


And at the end of the day I sat on the couch watching Mickey Mouse and his friends try and earn their camp out badges for the 100th time with little asian baby and asian husband and I thought....

this really is a happy birthday to me. =)

- now 30 year old little asian girl

Monday, November 26, 2012

"She is asian you know..."

Wise words spoken by Auntie S at dinner last week.

We were at a restaurant and little asian baby was playing with chopsticks. I was commenting on the fact that little asian baby LOVES playing with chopsticks and Auntie S said...

"She is asian you know."

hahaha. I guess that's true. I have often wondered if because, we're asian, we're drawn toward things that are asian. You know like chopsticks, white rice, sushi, math problems... Come to think of it, little asian baby used to love eating just plain white rice. She would listen intently when someone spoke Chinese. And some of the few words that she does actually, say, know or understand are Chinese as well. Not to mention that a lot of her babbling words sound like words you would say in Korean or Chinese and people who speak either Korean or Chinese sometimes interpret her "words" as those two languages.

FOR example..We went to the doctor's office one day (our dr. is Korean) and when the Dr. came in, little asian baby started screaming and saying "ahh nee ya" which actually does mean kind of like "No, I don't like"  and the Dr. was like "OH, ahh nee ya? Ok, Ok sorry!" and once my grandmother tried giving little asian baby a bite of yam and she said "Ahn muh guh" which means " I don't want to eat that". So weird, because I don't really speak Korean to little asian baby. Asian husband doesn't speak Chinese to her either, but she picks up words like "Hao Pahng!" which means like "Super!".

Oh well, like I've said before, I guess little asian baby is a genius! (It must be because she's "double" asian like asian husband always says. haha.)

Mensa here we come!!

-little asian girl

little asian baby using chopsticks as drumsticks. SHE'S SO SMART AND CUTE!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"You're slacking off boss.."

Asian husband said to me, because I haven't posted in a few days. 

In my defense. We had TWO Thanksgivings this year, which is actually one less than we had last year...and I hosted one at our little bitty two bedroom condo with one oven, so I'm still recuperating. PLUS, it's my birthday tomorrow and it's the big 3-0 so I probably will be out of commission for another few days or so. 

BUT, I didn't want my LEGIONS of fans to be without my wit, charm, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead or anything. Just slightly limp. So FEAR NOT! I will resume my blogging with lots of pictures and stories, because you know the holidays brings out the crazy! 

So stay tuned!!!

-little asian girl

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holla, HOLLa, fOund a DoLLA!!

Asian husband and I took little asian baby to the park over the weekend. While we were there I found a dollar in my pocket!! Upon finding this treasure I proclaimed...


I immediately told asian husband to take a picture of my new treasure.

However, looking at this picture it doesn't convey the sheer joy I felt from finding the dollar. It actually looks like a slightly suspicious looking hand pulling a dollar bill out of her pants pocket like some drug deal about to go down....or something.. I guess next time I'm just going to have to take a picture of me smiling while holding the dollar squarely in front of my face to get my point across clearly.

-little asian girl

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Baby M's birthday!

Last weekend, little asian baby and I went to Baby M's first birthday! I call her "baby" because she is the youngest in our little play group. It was a great birthday and Baby M's mom out did herself with a great carnival theme. Here are some pics of little asian baby playing at the party.

(I only really took pictures of the kids in the bounce house, because outside of the bounce house, little asian baby decided her feet were not to touch the high maintenance! GEESH!!)

oh and as always SHE'S HAVING FUN I PROMISE!

It was a nice autumn day. FINALLY get to break out her fall coat!

don't really know what happened here....

The complete fall ensemble. I KNOW I KNOW...CUTEST BABY EVER! 

Little O and Little Asian Baby "posing" for an ultra hip & trendy photo.

It was a really fun day! Thanks Baby M and family!

-little asian girl

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A trip down memory lane!

So I know I haven't been blogging for very long, but I have been noticing that my page views are slowly creeping up and I'm getting closer to reaching blogger stardom. I might have to shut everything down soon, to avoid over exposure like Paris Hilton and the like. haha.

SOOOO I decided to list a few of my favorite posts of all time, just in case you're too lazy to keep clicking "older posts" after every "new" post I write.

See how helpful I am??

I hope you guys enjoy!

Is that a blow up doll??

Don't lift that! Baby's gonna fall!

Don't take a bite of a pregnant lady's food!

"Excuse me Mr. Pharmacist, but where are the REGULAR condoms?"

" I think my eye makeup remover isn't working..."

"Oh that...umm..that's papa's...privacy.."


"We almost drowned her remember?"

Following in mommy's footsteps

10 things every parent should know...

**Now there are a plethora of other posts that I find equally funny and witty, amazingly written and poignantly thoughtful..(self absorbed much? is what my sister would say..) but these are just some of the ones that are memorable to me. **

-little asian girl

Friday, November 16, 2012

driving miss little asian baby.

I recently had to drive an hour in bumper to bumper traffic to get home after a visit to my mom's house.

THIS is what the back seat of the car looked like when we got home....

THIS is what asian baby looked like...

As you can see both the car and little asian baby DID NOT enjoy the ride. I as well, did not enjoy the ride. Driving with a toddler is challenging enough ( CAN I GET AN AMEN!!! ) but throw traffic into the mix AND IT'S A NIGHTMARE!!!!

Some parents have tv's built into the back of the seat or portable video players...but this momma has tissue boxes, wipes case, sunglasses, cd's and anything else I can get my hands on to entertain and quiet baby down.

Even just thinking about the drive still exhausts me. I....can't....even....type...any..m..or...e.

-little asian girl

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I think she's trying to say "good job"!

Like any good parents, asian husband and I are THOROUGHLY convinced that little asian baby is a genius. And also like good parents, we "pretend" to understand everything that little asian baby "says" to us. (Isn't that what a lot of parenting is anyway? Nodding, smiling and making overly enthusiastic reactions when your child puts one toy out of 100's that she has in the box that's not really the toy box to "clean" up? But hey, at least she FINALLY got the concept: Put thing in box. YAY!) So when little asian baby says things that even remotely resemble the concept she is trying to convey, we have a celebration and immediately start "decoding" what little asian baby just said.

So lately she has been saying "HA PA!" and then clapping every time she feels she has done something good. She'll hand daddy a toy and then say "HA PA!" and clap. She'll feed me a cracker and then yell "HA PA!" and clap. Pull a toy off of the bath tub wall "HA PA!" clap clap and so on. Naturally we assume that she is conveying joy and pride in her recent action. But we couldn't figure out what "HA PA!" sounded like.

"Maybe she's saying YAY?" I said

"No, it's definitely two words..." asian husband said

"Maybe it's HURRAY?" I said (like how I did that? Yay, hurray, you can see I also am a genius myself!)

"No, she knows how to make the ayy sound, so it's not that. I think she's trying to say GOOD JOB! Except she can't say good or job, so it just comes out as "HA PA! Well, Hao Bahng in Chinese does mean SUPER....." asian husband said

"....???......??...?" asian husband and I thought



Still in diapers and already learning two languages!

Where can we get an application for Mensa?

-little asian girl 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

locked up

Dear God, please get me out of here. I will always listen to mommie from now on.

captions courtesy of asian husband
baby jail courtesy of Little O's house

-little asian girl

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Little Asian Girl and the cup of pretzels...

So there was this cup of pretzels that I purchased as a snack for little asian baby and myself when we went to the mall with Little O and her mommy. We had gone into a local restaurant to have lunch, and at this particular restaurant they had a "stroller parking" area. (Basically you leave your stroller unattended at the front of the restaurant so that you're not like blocking the ENTIRE walkway while you're eating.) And being the paranoid nut case that I am, I was trying to take EVERYTHING that I had brought or bought during the mall trip with me to our seat. In the process of frantically gathering everything, I knocked over the cup of pretzels and little pretzel sticks went FLYING across the restaurant floor. Mortified, I profusely apologized to the hostess, who actually seemed totally oblivious to the now walkway of pretzels and tucked my tail between my legs and went on to our seat.

Lunch was pretty uneventful. Well, as "uneventful" as a lunch with two 1 yr olds can be. As usual Little O behaved perfectly well, while little asian baby threw all the food on the floor, poured salt all over the booth seat (some of which somehow ended up underneath my layer of I walked out with grains of salt stuck to my ass), lost her shoes, lost her sock, and finally managed to wiggle her way behind me and out of the booth leaving her standing on the floor with no shoes on.

Like a said. Uneventful.

As I shoved the last bite of tortelloni into my mouth, we headed back out to our strollers. The pretzels had since been swept away along with the memory of the annoying asian girl who spilled them in the first place! And as I opened the hood of the stroller to put little asian baby back in, the LID of the cup came out of nowhere and fell on the floor sending little broken pieces of pretzels that had been trapped in the crevices all over the floor. AGAIN!

Frantic and afraid to be banned from the restaurant forever, I hurriedly picked up as many pieces of darn pretzel I could find and scooted out the door AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! I told Little O's mom what had happened. We had a laugh and parted ways. I made it to the car in one piece and started loading everything in.

And as I closed up the stroller to pack into the trunk, ANOTHER little shower of pretzels came out of nowhere and littered the parking space.


Damn pretzels.

As the saying goes, if I never see a pretzel again, it'll be too soon!

-little asian girl

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dining al fresco and a nap! Part 2

So continues the long pointless story of our dining alfresco nap situation. If you can recall, little asian baby and I were at the mall about to make a return.

I entered baby Gap, little asian baby was eerily quiet. I quickly grabbed a few items I wanted to make the exchange for and headed over to the register. There was only one person ahead of me, so I was anticipating to get in and out as quickly as possible.

That's all you really ask for when you are out with a kid. To get in and out quickly. 

Oh and a cupcake. I always ask for cupcakes.

Then it started. The tantrum that puts all other tantrums to shame began. Little asian baby just lost it and started to scream and cry. She was throwing her snacks on the floor, pulling and tugging at the straps in an attempt to get out of the stroller. There were tears and snot, saliva. It was a mess. "OMG!!!" I thought. I could feel the annoyed look from the lady standing behind me burning into the back of my skull. "Well, you're going to hate me even more lady, because I have an exchange to do...." is what I thought. I quickly unbuckled baby and picked her up in an attempt to calm her down. 

didn't work!

Little asian baby started to shove her hands down my shirt. (It's what she does when she wants to nurse. A weird thing that she started to do one day.) "GREAT!" is what I thought now. Meanwhile, I had made it to the front of the line and the idiot cashier girl was "oohing" and "aahing" over the cute clothes I was purchasing/returning. REALLY LADY? DON'T YOU WORK HERE???!! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THESE THINGS A MILLION TIMES ALREADY? WHY DON'T YOU HOLD MY SCREAMING SNOT SPEWING BABY AND I'LL COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION! IT'LL PROBABLY BE FASTER! 

and then the cashier says....

"Oh, I have a 6 month old too!" OMG OMG! REALLY???!!!! THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I'M TRYING TO GET OUT OF HERE WITH AT LEAST A SHRED OF SANITY INTACT! CAN YOU PLEASE HURRY THE F*CK UP?!!!!! Is what I wanted to scream at her! So FINALLY after what seemed like an eternity I made it out of the store, plopped down on a bench gave little asian baby what she had wanted all along. The boob. 

Now, I have to tell you. I was at an outdoor mall. The bench I was sitting on was located on the corner of two streets. I was just sitting there out in the open for all to see. Shoppers were walking by. There was even a police car that happened to drive by. 


You probably can imagine what an odd scene it was. I mean it wasn't like I was flashing everyone and doing a peep show. Actually no part of my skin was showing at all. I was completely covered. But it must have been an odd sight. This little asian girl sitting totally out in the open nursing her child like it was totally "normal". (I also say "child" because little asian baby is not really a baby anymore. And she's tall too, so it must have been a shocker to the people.)  It probably wasn't the experience that the good people of Victoria Gardens was expecting when they ventured out today. 


SO NOW there I am, still nursing the small child, who is now sleeping but still attached to my boob. What was I suppose to do? I just picked her right up, still attached, still sleeping, and started to make my way back to the car. Remember also, because I was filled with an unusual sense of determination that morning, I still had the stroller with me. So you can imagine how ridiculously ridiculous I must have looked. I was trying to push the stroller with one hand, while still holding my sleeping, nursing child with the other hand.  People must have now thought "This little asian girl is nutso!" Another experience that I'm sure the lovely Victoria Garden shoppers were not prepared for as they shopped for skinny jeans while sipping lattes. Little asian baby was getting heavier and heavier by the minute, so I just had to bite the bullet, unlatch her and throw her over my shoulder. Luckily she slept the whole time and I finally made it to the car without crashing the stroller into any parking meters or waking little asian baby up. I transferred baby into the car seat, (she did through a fit, but actually fell asleep mid-tantrum so it was ok) and finally left the mall to go home. 

Needless to say, after that whole outrageous ordeal, I wanted a cupcake, a nap and well...a shot. 

Little asian baby passed out in the car.
-little asian girl out

Dining al fresco and a nap! Part 1

Wasn't as nice as it sounds.

I mean, who wouldn't want to have a nice meal outside and then a good nap? right?

Well it would have been nice, if that's the way things went down. It would have been nice if THIS was the way she was dining....

It also would have been nice if THIS was the way she was napping...

but.....let me start at the beginning.

So because of daylight savings (a stupid thing that we observe if you ask me! They should put THAT on a ballot! They could call it prop? because everything is all screwed up due to the time change and parents don't know when their children will ever go back to their normal schedule...) Anyway, because of daylight savings, little asian baby's sleep patterns have been a little wonky. And because of that, she's been unpredictable and cranky. (although, that may not be because of the time change...she's usually unpredictable and sometimes cranky...) Today was no different. 

We had been running errands around town. We went to the usual spots, Target, Michaels, and we were headed over to the mall to do a return. Little asian baby had been showing some signs of tiredness and irritability, but nothing too dramatic. Plus, she had woken up at 7am so I was expecting her to nap at 1pm. (She has been staying up for 6 hrs at a time for a few weeks.)

Little did I know the outrageous ordeal that was awaiting me.

Now, I say this A LOT, but little asian baby hates all high chairs, strollers, car seats and basically anything that has straps, buckles or ties. (Geez, sounds like I torture my child! "Looks like I'm choking her!") But today, I was filled with an unusual amount of determination, so I buckled little asian baby into the stroller and went about to the store to do my return. Of course, she started to scream and fight against the straps, people walking by probably were thinking, "Geez, that mom needs to control her child!" (YeAh YEAH people, KEEP WALKING!) Fortunately though, little asian baby conceded the fight like Mitt Romney and just sat looking exhausted and defeated. 

UN-fortunately though, it was just the calm before the storm.....

-little asian girl

Monday, November 5, 2012


Is the word I heard little asian baby say today as she ran into the kitchen.


uh oh and haha.

Looks like all those cupcakes, cookies, anything containing sugarflourbuttersprinkles...I ate before, during and after pregnancy is finally paying of catching up with me! As many of you know I am a SUGAR-HOLIC!(You can read about my attempt at sugar rehab here.) And as a die hard sweets fan, little asian baby has had many encounters with sweets in her albeit short life.

I have many photos of her like this......

pink berry!
and like this

homemade avocado milkshake pop! 
and her 1st year birthday cake was basically something like this....

Chocolate cake with cherry whipped cream filling and italian meringue frosting!

And when people used to ask me "Has baby had her first sugar yet?" I would just laugh and say either "Hello? Have you met me yet?" or "Psh~ DUH!". So when she FINALLY surprisingly...said "coo-kie" today in a frantic race to the kitchen, all I could do was laugh.

**I would like to add a note here, saying that, although little asian baby has had her fair share of sweets and probably those uber healthy, organic, crunchy mommas would DIE that I fed my baby cake, cookies, ice cream, chocolate chips, cupcakes, popsicles..............BUT I SWEAR I do feed her fresh homemade wholesome healthy food everyday. She LOVES fruit, never has had a jar of store bought baby food or formula. Was and still is breast fed and only gets sweet in minute (that's pronounced MY-NOOT people, not MIN-UT just to be clear) quantities. It's not like I gave her that whole cake. Besides, I had to eat most of it so that little asian baby wouldn't want some....**

So I guess the moral of the story is, well there is no moral.

Kid said cookie.

It was funny and cute.

I also have to add, little asian baby also LOVES mini chocolate chips, and although she NEVER uses the sign language sign for "more" even though she's known how for the past like 3 months she signs "more" frantically after I give her a few chips. It's like she has tourettes. Asian husband calls it "crack" because sometimes asian baby runs to the fridge (where i keep the chips) and tries to open it so she can get to the "stash".

So maybe her next new word will be "cho-co-late" or as we say it in our house "chao-ku-ree" (it's chinese)


-little asian girl

"Oh, I thought you were 28..."

Ok people.

The rumors are true.

This is my last month, actually my last 21 days, as a 20 something person. (I didn't know whether I should write, girl, woman, crazy person? I just settled on regular person.) But yes, I am turning 30 this month.

"You're turning 30?" asian husband replied. "I thought you were 28."


I didn't know whether I should have been insulted that he thought all along he was still married to a 20 something and now his world has been rocked because he's married to a woman whose 30!! Or should I have been flattered that he thought I was STILL 28?

He recovered pretty quickly though and said "it's because you're ageless."


I'll take it.

I don't mind that I'm turning 30 though. I never have been one of those people who make a big deal about birthdays and my age. I'm not going to lie about my age and tell people I'm still 75 when in fact I'm 100. In fact all I want for my birthday is a nap. Oh and a dozen cupcakes. Doesn't matter which order they come in.

Just a nap and a dozen cupcakes.

-little asian girl

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween..Oh how I feel indifferent to thee..

Halloween is not my favorite holiday.

 Maybe it's because I grew up in a DEEPLY religious household and I was always told that Halloween was the devil's holiday. ( I don't think that now btw, I know the devil doesn't celebrate "holidays" he's too busy being hot and all...) Or maybe it's because instead of wearing the princess fairy costume like I wanted in the school Halloween parade, my mom always made me wear my Korean folk dress and called it my "costume". Or I just wore no costume. And although I did dress up as a sexy cat once or twice in my club hopping days......I don't partake in the festivities now. 

Basically, as a happy and upbeat person, I'm just not into all the blood and gore and stuff. I don't like to hear ear piercing screams or see blood squirting out of eyes and other orifices. And if I want to eat an entire bag of mini reese's pieces, I'm not going to wait until the calendar says Oct. 31.

However, in order to give little asian baby a more well rounded life, and to prevent her from saying things like "My mom NEVER let me dress up." or "We NEVER went trick or treating, we just went to church."  I did get her a (sort of) costume and we went to our friend's house to have our FIRST HALLOWEEN PARTY EVER! But of course because I'm me I didn't buy her like a FULL on costume. I just took half of a regular outfit and half of a store bought outfit and "made" her a costume. She was cute though! Here are some pictures of her and her adorable little friends~

And as always this was the best we could do with "staging" or "posing" the kids. Once we got them outside they scattered like ants.

little asian baby dressed up as a feline of some sort.
Little Man..Batman that is. The only boy in the group.
Baby M and Little O aka. Tinkerbell and UNIVERSITY of Arizona Cheerleader
(NOT Arizona State. Don't get it twisted!)
What a Happy Halloween! 

And thanks to our great friend Stacy who opened up her home and had a WHOLE halloween themed spread which included ghost shaped sandwiches, glow sticks and goody bags for the kiddos! Oh and that giant pumpkin on her front porch. I'm a dope though and didn't take pictures of the spread..oh well..I'll take pictures of the next Halloween spread she makes. ;)

-little asian girl