Thursday, August 23, 2012

"oh that?....that's papa's................privacy..."

little asian girl has started pointing. at everything. she also makes sound affects like "oooh" or " oooh waaooohh" ("oh wow" case you needed translation) or "oo" basically she's like a monkey. So being the best mommy in the world and wanting to support my child's immense intelligence.....(don't roll your eyes at me!! I see you!! haha) anyways, I usually try to very accurately tell her what she's pointing at.  Usually it's a light or a picture of something she recognizes, a dog (she loves dogs) but occasionally it's something unusual like a fire hydrant or in this case hubbie's..well..penis.

Now. Before you call social services. Let me put this into context. We're not exhibitionists running around the house naked at all times of the day. We're asian. (We don't even like walking from the bathroom to the bedroom naked, and we have an ensuite. My grandmother tells me not let baby be naked, because she's a girl and needs to be modest. SHE'S A BABY!! is usually what I say to grandma.) So, my husband had just come out of the shower and was toweling off and had left the bathroom door open to let out the steam. Little asian baby happened to walk into the bathroom and saw daddy there. When I happened upon her, she was standing pointing and well.... was...umm...giggling.

*pOiNt** "heeeheeheeehhee"

is what little asian baby was doing.

"what are you looking at baby? OH....hahaha...oh that?? That's ummm...papa's......privacy..."

Is what I decided to say. I guess I could have said "penis" not that she would had known, but I didn't want PENIS to be the word that stuck and have that be her first word or something. Could you imagine..cute little asian baby pointing at everything and saying "penis" "penis" oooh..."penis"

hahahaha...anyways, luckily hubby thought it was hilarious and wasn't offended at all that his child was laughing at his manhood.

oh the funny things kids do.

She also tries to nurse from hubby once in a while if he's sitting with his shirt off or something. But I'm pretty sure she's just double checking to make sure it's still a non functioning nipple. I mean I know she knows that milk don't come from there, but she tries anyways.

-little asian girl out~

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