Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Is what I said (loudly) to myself as I watched the plate of angel food cake go FLYING off of my car in the rear view mirror with a CRASH so loud I heard it while I was driving away.....


SOOO a few weeks ago, my aunt from New Jersey came to visit. She had just retired from YEARS as a postal worker and came to Cali to visit her sisters and parents. It was her last day in Cali (yes I am going to refer to California as "Cali" for the entire duration of this post. DEAL WITH IT!) and she wanted to see little asian baby, so I hauled my ass booty down to orange county to see her before she had to leave for the airport. Now, I love my Aunt Patty a lot. She's super funny and fun to be around. She's always cracking jokes and making us laugh, so I was happy to see her. The night before I was to go to my grandmother's (where my aunt patty was staying while she was in Cali) I decided to bake an angel food cake. Since I was going there during breakfast hours, and didn't want to only eat veggies and dip (the only thing my grandmother serves for breakfast) so I baked. In the morning, I cut asian hubby a slice of cake and since now the angel food cake (obviously) had a piece missing I thought I would just cut up the rest of it into slices as to hide the evidence that someone else had already helped himself to some.. I was in a semi-rush, as all mother's of toddlers who are trying to get out of the house always are, so I guess my mind was a little scattered. (YES YES MORE SO THAN MY USUAL COO COO CA CHOO STATE OF MIND!) So after wrestling with asian baby for 20 minutes I finally got her diaper changed and dressed for the day and I took my plate of cake as well as my other baggage (figuratively and literally) and got down to the car. Now since I am no Houdini or even David Blaine, I couldn't levitate the plate, the bag and the baby so I just placed the plate on top of the car while I put little asian baby in the car seat. Then I promptly hopped into the car and went on my way.

While I was stopped a light right in front of our place, I remember a guy honking at me when the light turned green. At the time I thought that the person was just being a dope head (yeah I said dope head) and being SUPER rude/impatient about the light that had JUST turned green, but now I realize, they were just being a good samaritan and trying to warn the crazy little asian girl that there was a plate of cake on her car.

So that is how I came to watch one of my dinner plates fly off my car along with my expectations for a breakfast that didn't include radishes and thousand island dressing.

-little asian girl

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