Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"I didn't know that....."

...the only two clothing styles for women these days is slut or Parisian bachelorette. (and I also didn't know that "bachelorette" isn't a real word according to my spell check!)


Usually when I go to the mall I am ALWAYS on the hunt for decent clothes to wear. Maybe because I'm a mother now or maybe because I'm OFFICIALLY over 30, but I think that the Kardashian's and Miley Cyrus should stop dictating the fashion trends. Don't you?

So I am forever looking for just nice, well made, work/hang out clothes that have decent coverage, aren't missing any pieces of fabric (since apparently "cut outs" are the trend now....) that won't disintegrate in the wash after 2 cycles and that doesn't make me look like I just came from my kid's PTA meeting where we discussed who would be baking the "brownies" for the next school bake sale. But as I was walking by store after store, as well as my go to department store I realized that all the clothes were made for women who should be strolling down a quaint cobblestone alley in France or drinking for free at "ladies night"  in da club~! I mean some of the dresses were so tight and short that even the mannequin's were embarrassed and looking paler than usual from the oxygen deprivation. And who really wants to wear a burgundy dress with blue ducks printed all over it or a gray sweater with a giant mustache on the front...

Do I?

Do you?

Does anyone?


I wish I could trade places with little asian baby so that I can dress like this:

or this... (and no you're not having a seizure right now..it's just some new moving picture format asian husband discovered. NO need to call 9...1.1.11..1..11..1..1.1...)

or even just be like this:

and everyone would just think I was impossibly adorable and would take endless photos of me to post on their blogs! 

So now I am proposing a new proposition where all human beings regardless of age, gender or actual maturity age level can just dress like toddlers wherever they go. 

...wait...is that already happening? Is that why we have so many Miley's, Gaga's and Kanye's out in the world? 


-little asian girl

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