Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All About...well a little about...Me..

This post makes me feel like a 3rd grader all over again. Waiting for my turn to be "student of the week", cutting out magazine pictures of things that describe me and gluing them haphazardly around the awkward school photo of myself. (in which I think I was missing my front teeth or something) Back then I'm sure I used some gawd awful neon colored poster paper, an obscene amount of glitter glue pen and tried to "create some interest" by decorating the board with squiggly lines and swirls. And although I've traded neon poster paper for a laptop and no longer have to put a gawky, toothless photo of myself, I still love and I mean LOVE to use obscene amounts of glitter and have more than just two doodle designs in my repertoire.

So for the millions of fans that wait anxiously for my captivating posts (ok, ok, so I don't have ANY fans, I mean not even my dear husband has read my posts..but I will remain optimistic.) and at the risk of sounding like a bad online dating profile, I describe myself so that my SOON to be legions of fans can have some insight into me and my life. BUT.........since I'm weirdly anti-social and paranoingly private I'll skip the personal information and just describe my likes, dislikes, pet peeves and interests.

Name: Little Asian Girl

Age: young enough to still look good in a swimsuit, but too old to wear a mini skirt. 

Location: la la land mostly

Relationship Status: Married w/one newborn baby! (THE CUTEST BABY IN THE WORLD!)

cooking & baking. I have a SERIOUS addiction to anything containing sugar, trans fat, sprinkles, butter, anything that can be fried and topped with whipped cream I'll eat it. and lots of it. Oh, and I also make a mean fish taco~ (considering opening up a fish taco truck one day...but that's another post....)

crafting.  I have been called the asian martha stewart and can glitter-fy anything and make it look good. I also insists that everything be color coordinated with matching ribbons and have a room for crafting only. 

spending time with family. 

Pet Peeves: people who eat my plate of desserts (yes I said dessertS, plural..I usually want more than one), people who invade my personal space, people who behave stupidly in public places, telemarketers,  people in general. 

Likes: My husband, my baby, cupcakes, cookies, anything sweet, crafting, decorating, glitter, ribbons, scrapbook papers, cooking, baking, being bossy, my family, weddings, really really high heels.

Any other information you'd like to share: Whenever I feel anxious, uncomfortable, sad, angry, happy, excited......basically anytime... I reach for sweets and have an urge to redecorate my entire house and glitter-fy something and tie it up with a pretty ribbon.  

so there you have it. a little bit about me in a nutshell, that hopefully will help you to understand why I think my life is so funny and won't consider my writings to be just some random ramblings of a crazy little asian girl. 

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