Friday, January 18, 2013

"well it actually sounded like S H I T..but I'm sure it wasn't.."

Little asian baby has been picking up a lot more words here and there now a days. Some words we teach her like "thank you" and "bye bye" but some words she just learns from family members, friends, good ole television...(and they say TV is bad for you~ HA!) And since I've discovered that being exposed to a word even once is enough to make an imprint on Little Asian baby's brain, I try to tell her the name of every single frickin' thing she comes into contact with. 99% of the time she'll look at me like she understands that I'm telling her "THIS IS A PHONE! CAN YOU SAY PHONE?? PHOONE? PHOOONE!! PHOOOONE!!!!!!!" but chooses NOT to say "phone" and runs off laughing.

But what is a mother of a genius child to do, but still keep trying. right?

So the other day she was trying to get up onto a stool and I was asking her "DO YOU WANT TO SIT?? SIT?? SIT??? SIIITTT?" (yes I always speak in an increased volume when talking to my child as indicated by the ALL CAPS TYPING. I feel if I speak LOUDER she will "get it" quicker. don't judge me.) As I was asking her, she was getting more and more frustrated at the fact that I wasn't just picking her up and plopping her onto the stool and she was starting to attack the stool, so I just helped her onto it and said "SIT".

yes. like a dog.

The next day, little asian baby attempted yet again to get onto the stool, but THIS time she said "sit." Well it actually sounded like "shit", but I figured she was showing me what she had learned yesterday and since she's still learning how to speak couldn't quite get the pronunciation right......

The alternative would have been that even though no one uses profanity in our house or in our lives for that matter, she inherently knows how and when to use it and was expressing her frustration at having to attempt at getting up onto the stool by herself yet again.


-little asian girl

1 comment:

  1. oh my poor niece everything out of her mouth sounds like profanity LOL I love you baby!
