Monday, December 3, 2012

" It's a diamond."

Could it be?

Did little asian baby just say her first sentence at 16 months old?

Is she already showing that she truly is a girly girl, and while others are saying "circle, square, triangle!" she says "diamond"?

Is little asian baby truly.........a genius??????


ok probably not.

It was probably just a coincidence that when Mickey Mouse was asking "What shape is this?" while holding up a diamond. Little asian baby just "happened" to utter some babbling words that sounded VERY DISTINCTLY like " It's a diamond!" It was so clear, that both asian hubby and I looked at each other with shock and amazement. I also laughed, but I usually laugh at everything baby says. Can't help it. I just think it's funny. Anyways, yeah, it was probably just a "big coincidence" as Elaine from Seinfeld said to the character Rava as they stood there fighting in the elevator about whether or not there are BIG coincidences or if all coincidences are just coincidences regardless of their size. (phEw tHat was a RealLy LoNg rUn On seNtence! GramMar cHecK aNyOne???? don't know why I just typed like that. I'm tired. And coincidences is a hard word to say and spell many times in a row. Try it. This must be the longest section of type within parenthesis ever.)

So long pointless story short! Little asian baby is proving that she already knows what an important role diamonds play in a girl's life, so she might as well recognize them as early!

Good girl.

-little asian girl

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