Tuesday, December 4, 2012


**Please note that in this post, the different colored words are just to show my sheer ANNOYANCE with yet another pointless, annoying baby illness and not a link to another wonderfully delightful post from the past.**

What is Rotavirus you ask? It's another pointless, annoying baby illness that has plagued my house in the recent days. YAY! An illness that babies actually get vaccinated for, but still get anyway (RETARDED I KNOW!) It causes projectile vomiting and diarrhea in massive and frequent amounts along with all the crankiness, irritability and 24/7 clingy-ness that we mommas just LOVE! And as with all pointless, annoying baby illnesses, there is no medication, treatment or cure for the damn thing. Just "let it run its course." YOU BETCHA!


*pHew* glad I got that off my chest.

Basically I've been vomited or pooped on at least three times everyday for the past 4 days. I also have had to do laundry three days in a row to wash all the clothes that were either, being worn at the time, just changed into from the most recent bodily fluid incident or were near the vicinity of the bodily fluid incident.

And apparently this thing could last for ANOTHER week. Wonderful.

Let's get scientific here people. Rotavirus, is basically what we adults call the "stomach flu" or "stomach bug". It is a virus that attacks and destroys the lining of your intestines and damages the enzymes that your body needs to break down lactose and protein. AWESOME! The virus, when looked at with a microscope, looks like a ball with spikes. It is those "spikes" that CLING onto your intestinal wall making it hard for your body to eradicate and get rid of. Also, since the intestines are being damaged, the digestion of food slows down to a near halt and therefore you either vomit the undigested food or pass it through your colon in liquid form, aka diarrhea. WHOO HOO! Consumption of any type of dairy or protein makes the symptoms, especially the diarrhea, worse because not only is your body not digesting but it is also not breaking down the dairy/protein in any way.

Now comes the best part...

This virus is HIGHLY contagious and can linger in your body for MONTHS after symptoms have gone. SWEET! It is also like the cold virus, in that it has many strains so if you get it once you can still get it again. LOVELY! Adults can also catch the virus from the infected children, although in adults, the symptoms are less severe and we get over it much more quickly.


So the moral of the story is...if you come into contact with a child who has vomiting, diarrhea, or especially a combination of both....

RUN AWAY. RUN FAR FAR AWAY. Heed the words of Jenny in Forrest Gump. "RUUUNN FORREST!! RUUUNNN!!!" and stay away for the next 162.75 months. Or until the child turns 5. Whichever keeps you away longer.

-little asian girl currently not covered in vomit or poop. holla~


  1. I love that you just said "holla" at the end of this post :)

  2. Thanks for the warning!

    1. No prob! Just trying to do my part in keeping the public healthy. I hope no one in your vicinity comes down with the dreaded Rotavirus!
