Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"OH, NOW I understand.."

Have you ever seen a person carrying a semi grown child around? Maybe at a hardware store or the market? And did you ever wonder, "Why is that person carrying that big child around? How come they didn't have enough common sense to get a cart or bring a stroller?"

WELL...I know the answer to that question. It's because the parent assumed the child would want to exert their independence and walk around by themselves or would be content to ride in the shopping cart and not have their parent carry them around the entire time like a princess!!

So on Sunday little asian baby had the CRANKIEST DAY EVER!!! She is usually a quite happy child. We have tons of photos of her looking like this..

but on Sunday, she spent most of the day looking like this.

and this..

and even like this...

Well, of course minus the medical supplies and nurses and well, she isn't a newborn at all either. She basically though, still cries with the same amount of intensity and frustration as a newborn that has just been thrust out of the warm, cuddly womb and into the loud, cold world....too much?

So yesterday in an attempt to cheer little asian baby up, we took her out of the house. Unfortunately though, little asian baby was determined to be in a foul mood for the entire day, so even though she loves riding in the cart and wandering aimlessly around the aisles of stores....this day she decided that she wanted to do none of that. She only wanted me to hold her while we did our shopping. So there I was, little asian girl carrying around little asian baby and that's when it hit me. 

OH, NOW I understand why people end up carrying their children around, when clearly there are strollers and shopping carts available to make the job easier. 

*siGh* parenthood. 

-little asian girl

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish someone would carry ME around. Hahaha. Hi friend.. How are you???
