Saturday, November 10, 2012

Little Asian Girl and the cup of pretzels...

So there was this cup of pretzels that I purchased as a snack for little asian baby and myself when we went to the mall with Little O and her mommy. We had gone into a local restaurant to have lunch, and at this particular restaurant they had a "stroller parking" area. (Basically you leave your stroller unattended at the front of the restaurant so that you're not like blocking the ENTIRE walkway while you're eating.) And being the paranoid nut case that I am, I was trying to take EVERYTHING that I had brought or bought during the mall trip with me to our seat. In the process of frantically gathering everything, I knocked over the cup of pretzels and little pretzel sticks went FLYING across the restaurant floor. Mortified, I profusely apologized to the hostess, who actually seemed totally oblivious to the now walkway of pretzels and tucked my tail between my legs and went on to our seat.

Lunch was pretty uneventful. Well, as "uneventful" as a lunch with two 1 yr olds can be. As usual Little O behaved perfectly well, while little asian baby threw all the food on the floor, poured salt all over the booth seat (some of which somehow ended up underneath my layer of I walked out with grains of salt stuck to my ass), lost her shoes, lost her sock, and finally managed to wiggle her way behind me and out of the booth leaving her standing on the floor with no shoes on.

Like a said. Uneventful.

As I shoved the last bite of tortelloni into my mouth, we headed back out to our strollers. The pretzels had since been swept away along with the memory of the annoying asian girl who spilled them in the first place! And as I opened the hood of the stroller to put little asian baby back in, the LID of the cup came out of nowhere and fell on the floor sending little broken pieces of pretzels that had been trapped in the crevices all over the floor. AGAIN!

Frantic and afraid to be banned from the restaurant forever, I hurriedly picked up as many pieces of darn pretzel I could find and scooted out the door AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! I told Little O's mom what had happened. We had a laugh and parted ways. I made it to the car in one piece and started loading everything in.

And as I closed up the stroller to pack into the trunk, ANOTHER little shower of pretzels came out of nowhere and littered the parking space.


Damn pretzels.

As the saying goes, if I never see a pretzel again, it'll be too soon!

-little asian girl


  1. I love all of these stories... why in the world that i have such huge career aspirations!?! I want to be a SAHM like right now. Did you wipe little baby's feet with your homemade antibaterial wipe? My husband would die about basefeet in a public place. He's a germ-o-phob that way. I told him about your homemade wipes and he loved it!

  2. Thats funny that my sister remembered your homemade antibacterial wipes!
    Those dam pretzels I swear! but at least there were people to pick them up for us! :-) Maybe we wont get pretzels next time..... :)
