Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A trip down....the wine and beer aisle?

Yesterday, asian husband and I took a rare trip to the market. It was rare because 1. Asian husband and I rarely go to the market together and 2. we went in the evening. (ever since asian baby was born, we don't go out past 530pm. We're like senior citizens but without the arthritis and uncontrollable flatulence. Oh, and we don't qualify for senior discounts. boo.)

Anyway, so as we were in the market, I let little asian baby walk around instead of pushing her in the cart. She likes to peruse the aisles and point to things that she recognizes. However, yesterday she bypassed all the normal aisles (baby food aisle, cereal aisle, baking aisle...) and made a bee line for...well...the "spirits" aisle.

She just kept pacing up and down the aisle, looking at all the bottles. She stopped for a brief moment at the vodka section, at which point asian husband said " That's the cheap least get the good stuff if you want vodka~ How about Alize? It's next to the Hypnotik!" She also stopped in front of the cases of beer, but then I realized that she was actually interested in the pendant banner that was hung from the ceiling as decoration.

I hope.

I wonder if I should be concerned.....

Lately little asian baby has been taking beer cans out of the fridge to "play" with.

Maybe I should get her some real toys...

-little asian girl

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