Friday, September 14, 2012

a million dollar idea~

Have you ever smelled a baby right when they wake up from a nap or first thing in the morning? I mean after you get past the HUGE pee diaper smell and the possible sweat head smell that babies have because they SWEAT LIKE CRAZY while sleeping. (seriously, it's like someone secretly gave them a bath during the night!) The "I just woke up from sleeping" smell is IN-TOX-I-CAAT-ING. It's sweet, warm, soft, cuddly, and just utterly AMAZING. It's like if love could have a smell, it would be that of a baby who just woke up. And although my very smart 7 year old niece told me that "all babies smell the same you know auntie.." Those of you with kids know what I'm talking about.

So if I could bottle the scent of a baby I would, and I'm almost 10000% sure that I would be a millionaire in a week. I probably wouldn't even need a fancy bottle or Kim Kardashian to pose half naked in a mosquito infested jungle with a snake wrapped around her ass. I'd just put it in a plastic bottle with a picture of a cute baby on it and people would line up in droves to buy it. 

Trust me. 

Someone should do this. 

If you need some market research, just go to a park or your local gymboree and see all the intoxicated parents walking around sniffing their kids heads. Why do you think they invented those devices to carry your kid around in. It's not to be "hands free" while still carrying your baby, it's so that their heads can be closer to your nose so you can get your fix anytime. It's like crack I tell ya!


*just had to go and get my fix...little asian baby is napping....smells great!**

I totally would pursue this idea myself, but little asian baby won't let me take scent samples from her head. And I'm sure if it got out what I was trying to do, I would end up in the court of public opinion along side those crazy toddlers and tiara's moms being accused of child exploitation. Except I wouldn't be guilty of hopping my kid up with pixie sticks and red bull. (Seriously some body SHOULD call CPS on them, that's just some horrible parenting) 

Seriously people. I'm giving away a million dollars here.

Good luck!

-little asian girl 

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